I like children. I have four daughters and one son. Jennifer isn't really my daughter but I love her like my own. She was Connie's daughter, who was living with her grandmother when I brought her to live with Connie and me. She was about 8 years old when she started living with me. Kate is my "real" daughter. She is very similar to me in the way she is social and has a temper. She almost knocked me out once with a punch. Kate never really lived with me full time. Her mother and I separated when she was a baby.
Kate and Jennifer spent several summers growing up in St Louis. Kate would come to visit for the summer and Jennifer would play big sister for 90 days. One summer is bought them a computer and sent them to computer camp. Jennifer was old enough to drive and they skipped camp and drove around. I tried every summer to take their picture and it almost always ended in a fight. They never understood how much I wanted to save those summers. Kate and Jennifer are great mothers.
Meredith and Colleen are also my daughters. They grew up living with me and Julie. I remember all the times we played tickle fish in the pool. I have hundreds of photos of them growing up. I taught them to swim, ride a bike, and swing on a rope swing. They are great kids and will soon be adults.

Two years ago, Pam and I had Jack. His real name is William Jack May and he is very much like me as a boy. Jack is sweet and hateful. He is very vocal and doesn't miss much. His verbal skills at two are as good as most adults. His personality is like Kate's, Colleen's, and my own. Jack is all boy. He loves to wrestle and fight. Almost every night he and I roll around on the bed while he try's to climb on me. Then as he gets tired, he snuggles next to me before he falls asleep.
I love these children. I miss Jennifer and Kate. They never call or come to visit and it hurts me. Meredith is in San Francisco going to school. Colleen is really busy with work and school. I think about them every day and wish they still lived with me. Jack does, and that is very special.
Kate and Jennifer spent several summers growing up in St Louis. Kate would come to visit for the summer and Jennifer would play big sister for 90 days. One summer is bought them a computer and sent them to computer camp. Jennifer was old enough to drive and they skipped camp and drove around. I tried every summer to take their picture and it almost always ended in a fight. They never understood how much I wanted to save those summers. Kate and Jennifer are great mothers.
Meredith and Colleen are also my daughters. They grew up living with me and Julie. I remember all the times we played tickle fish in the pool. I have hundreds of photos of them growing up. I taught them to swim, ride a bike, and swing on a rope swing. They are great kids and will soon be adults.
Two years ago, Pam and I had Jack. His real name is William Jack May and he is very much like me as a boy. Jack is sweet and hateful. He is very vocal and doesn't miss much. His verbal skills at two are as good as most adults. His personality is like Kate's, Colleen's, and my own. Jack is all boy. He loves to wrestle and fight. Almost every night he and I roll around on the bed while he try's to climb on me. Then as he gets tired, he snuggles next to me before he falls asleep.
I love these children. I miss Jennifer and Kate. They never call or come to visit and it hurts me. Meredith is in San Francisco going to school. Colleen is really busy with work and school. I think about them every day and wish they still lived with me. Jack does, and that is very special.