My boss, the President of Stolt USA, was fired and after about 90 days they got around to firing me too. All this was done to cut cost. Stolt was losing over $1 million a month. Stolt sold their business to Marine Harvest and closed their LA Plant. The good news was my employment agreement, which called for 6 months severance.
Pam and I discussed my next career move and Meredith and I went on the Journey of Self Discovery. I was in no real hurry to get a new job. Pam joked that I should "think outside of the Box". We talked and agreed what I really needed was a "BETTERBOX".
Well, I got a new job and we put Betterbox on hold. But my recent lay off from Empress and the poor economy has us back discussing our own business. It's no secret that I am ready to retire in the broad sense of the word. This does not mean I am ready to stop earning money. Jack, Colleen, and Meredith all need some level of support for the next few years. Pam has a great job and could easily support us but my income is helpful.
So now is the time for us to launch Betterbox. We formed an LLC [Limited Liability Corp] and set up a Business Banking account. I have been working as a Seafood Broker selling products for three different companies. It is not easy to start a business and make three clients happy at once. I have been working long days and weekends just to keep up. This Saturday I fly to Seattle to meet with another potential client. If all goes well, we should be working together next week.
I set up a simple web page and asked a couple of seafood guys to join me in a Network of Seafood Brokers. I still have some work to do on the Web page but Betterbox Sales & Marketing is coming along. You can visit the site at: http://www.betterboxsales.com
Pam is on the Board of Directors and is VP of Finance.