To achieve this Economic Strength we need to cut Federal and State cost and reduce taxes. This means we need to support this 8 step plan:
Ending expensive foreign wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. These wars are not winnable and they are much too expensive. Regardless of the potential for Terror, massive military invasion and deployment will not stop fanatics and it is far too costly.
Ending US Military occupation in foreign countries. We still have troops in Germany and Japan from the 1940s. We need to bring these troops and their cost home to America.
Ending expensive financial aid to foreign countries including Israel, Latin America, and Africa. No amount of spending can buy us friends or change basic conditions which cause poverty or regional wars. We need to stop spending our money trying to pay off people who do not support our values.
Ending the domestic War on Drugs and Decriminalizing simple drug possession. Everyone who wants to get high is getting high and the costly war on drugs is a failure. We need to educate the population against drug use and decriminalize minor possession to lower police and jail cost.
Reducing domestic TSA cost through "Smart" ID programs for citizens. We have heard for years that the "government" can tack us through cell phone and credit card use. Why don't we put this to good use and reduce TSA search cost to people who are "Unknown" to our data base.
Passing Federal and State Balance Budget legislation. We cannot spend more than we earn as a family or a government. Each of us knows this is wrong and we need to stop.
Passing term limits for Federal and State elected officials. Representative government should not be a career choice. We do not need "Professional Politicians" the original Constitutional plan was for citizens to be selected to represent their states and districts. We need to end the Political Class in America.
Passing Federal and State "Flat tax" reform to end Income Tax. Leaving more money in the hands of citizens will lead to better investment and spending. This will create jobs and National wealth.
Our goals should be simple flat taxation, reduced government spending, security at home, and a balanced budget. The outcome will be increase investment, wealth, employment, and a higher standard of living. In short a return to America First. The current single party "Demopublican" political system does not have a candidate who will support these critical and necessary changes. We need a new system with a focus on Leadership and decision making.