Sunday, January 31, 2010
Surfs up

Monday, January 25, 2010
PEW RESULTS - Public's Priorities for 2010
This Wednesday, the President will give the State of the Union address. Mr. Obama has been in office for just over one year. He was elected to bring "CHANGE" to Washington. The Pew Research Group has studied the Priorities of Americans for years. Here is a the latest summary below. You can read more at: http://people-press.org/report/584/policy-priorities-2010.
As Barack Obama begins his second year in office, the public’s priorities for the president and Congress remain much as they were one year ago. Strengthening the nation’s economy and improving the job situation continue to top the list. And, in the wake of the failed Christmas Day terrorist attack on a Detroit-bound airliner, defending the country from future terrorist attacks also remains a top priority.
At the same time, the public has shifted the emphasis it assigns to two major policy issues: dealing with the nation’s energy problem and reducing the budget deficit. About half (49%) say that dealing with the nation’s energy problem should be a top priority, down from 60% a year ago. At the same time, there has been a modest rise in the percentage saying that reducing the budget deficit should be a top priority, from 53% to 60%.
Other policy priorities show little change from a year ago. For example, despite the ongoing debate over health care reform, about as many now call reducing health care costs a top priority (57%) as did so in early 2009 (59%). In fact, the percentage rating health care costs a top priority is lower now than it was in both 2008 (69%) and 2007 (68%).
In addition, the percentage placing top priority on providing health insurance to the uninsured stands at 49%. That is little changed from a year ago and off its high of 61% in January 2001. Notably, there is now a wider partisan gap in opinion about this issue than for any of the other 20 issues in the survey: fully 75% of Democrats rate providing health insurance to the uninsured as a top priority compared with just 26% of Republicans.
More than six-in-ten Americans say securing the Social Security system (66%) and securing the Medicare system (63%) should be top priorities for Obama and Congress. About as many (65%) say that improving the educational system should be a top policy priority. For all three items, public evaluations are not significantly different than they were one year ago.
In the wake of the financial crisis, the public does not place increased financial regulation among its top policy priorities. Fewer than half (45%) say stricter regulation of financial institutions should be a top priority for the president and Congress.

Other policy priorities show little change from a year ago. For example, despite the ongoing debate over health care reform, about as many now call reducing health care costs a top priority (57%) as did so in early 2009 (59%). In fact, the percentage rating health care costs a top priority is lower now than it was in both 2008 (69%) and 2007 (68%).
In addition, the percentage placing top priority on providing health insurance to the uninsured stands at 49%. That is little changed from a year ago and off its high of 61% in January 2001. Notably, there is now a wider partisan gap in opinion about this issue than for any of the other 20 issues in the survey: fully 75% of Democrats rate providing health insurance to the uninsured as a top priority compared with just 26% of Republicans.
More than six-in-ten Americans say securing the Social Security system (66%) and securing the Medicare system (63%) should be top priorities for Obama and Congress. About as many (65%) say that improving the educational system should be a top policy priority. For all three items, public evaluations are not significantly different than they were one year ago.
In the wake of the financial crisis, the public does not place increased financial regulation among its top policy priorities. Fewer than half (45%) say stricter regulation of financial institutions should be a top priority for the president and Congress.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Rain totals pretty impressive - LA Times

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES.............. 1.60
LONG BEACH ............................. 1.57
BEVERLY HILLS............................ 0.85
SIERRA MADRE .......................... 2.07
LA HABRA HEIGHTS..................... 1.11
CLAREMONT.............................. 1.33
A flash flood warning for the Los Angeles County burn areas was expected to end at 5:30 p.m. And it looks like some beaches are already closing because of pollution.
--Shelby Grad LA TimesBlog
Impressive photo, too, by Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times
Redefining Republicans as True Conservatives

In the year since we've started the NOH8 Campaign, we've often been surprised at some of the different individuals who have approached us showing their support. Few, though, have surprised us more than Cindy McCain - the wife of Senator John McCain and mother to vocal marriage equality advocate Meghan McCain. The McCains are one of the most well-known Republican families in recent history, and for Mrs. McCain to have reached out to us to offer her support truly means a lot. Although we had worked with Meghan McCain before and were aware of her own position, we'd never really thought the cause might be something her mother would get behind. We have a huge amount of respect for both of these women for being brave enough to make it known they support equal marriage rights for all Americans.
Aligning yourself with the platform of gay marriage as a Republican still tends to be very stigmatic, but Cindy McCain wanted to participate in the campaign to show people that party doesn't matter - marriage equality isn't a Republican issue any more than it is a Democratic issue. It's about human rights, and everybody being treated equally in the eyes of the law that runs and protects this country.
Meghan McCain was asked to be the keynote speaker at next month's National Equality Week at George Washington University for her advocacy. In an odd bit of timing, a student Republican organization has become upset that she'll be giving that speech -- and have publicly voiced their disapproval over the ordeal.
This reprint from: http://www.noh8campaign.com/
Monday, January 18, 2010
MLK DAY 2010 ....there is still work to be done

Reverend King brought about significant social change and much greater equality for America. Yet, today as the struggle for equality continues, there is no voice among the Black Community who will speak out in favor of Freedom to Marry. Not even Barrack Obama will support Gay Marriage. The question today is this: Was this struggle for equality a BLACK issue or a movement to expand Human freedom? Sadly, after all the talk is done, Blacks are generally not supportive of "equal rights" for the Gay community.
Prior to the 1967 Supreme Court Decision, Loving v Virginia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_v._Virginia interracial marriage was illegal in 15 US States under anti-miscegenation laws. These laws based on moral and religious beliefs made it a crime to marry blacks and whites. The NAACP and Reverend King long sought the end of these laws and viewed them as unfair. In this case, the court ruled that Virginia's anti-miscegenation statute violated both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Today in Kalifornia and throughout America and Europe, citizens are working to expand this freedom granted to Blacks in 1967, 40 years ago. The Freedom to Marry movement asks that all citizens be granted these same rights to marry whom they choose. On MLK Day I am asking Black Americans to speak out in support of this right for others. Where is the outrage and where are the Marches among Blacks in support of others? Social Change and Freedom did not come to Black America without the support of others. It's time to return the favor.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
NEWS FLASH - Harsh Winter Storm
Surf, wind and flood advisories issued as rainstorms hit Southern California
January 13, 2010 8:40 am Los Angeles Times
Commutes were marred by slick roads this morning after scattered showers fell overnight, and the rain is expected to continue through this afternoon, along with strong winds and high surf.
Forecasters were warning beachgoers to stay out of the ocean because of dangerous surf. A high-surf advisory is in effect until 9 a.m. Friday as a large west swell combines with high tides over the next few days, according to the National Weather Service.
Waves are expected to reach 8 to 12 feet at Los Angeles and Ventura county beaches and as high as 17 feet on exposed, west-facing beaches. Dangerous rip currents are expected on all beaches through Friday. During the peak of the event, surf is expected to reach an average height of 15 to 20 feet along the central coast.
January 13, 2010 8:40 am Los Angeles Times
Commutes were marred by slick roads this morning after scattered showers fell overnight, and the rain is expected to continue through this afternoon, along with strong winds and high surf.
Forecasters were warning beachgoers to stay out of the ocean because of dangerous surf. A high-surf advisory is in effect until 9 a.m. Friday as a large west swell combines with high tides over the next few days, according to the National Weather Service.
Waves are expected to reach 8 to 12 feet at Los Angeles and Ventura county beaches and as high as 17 feet on exposed, west-facing beaches. Dangerous rip currents are expected on all beaches through Friday. During the peak of the event, surf is expected to reach an average height of 15 to 20 feet along the central coast.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today the California Lawmakers will vote on Assembly Bill 390 -- legislation to tax and regulate marijuana. The assembly's Public Safety Committee is expected to vote after a hearing that begins at 9 a.m. hearing in Sacramento. The bill would essentially treat pot the same way alcohol is treated under the law and would allow adults over 21 to possess, smoke and grow marijuana.
The law would also call for a fee of $50 per ounce sold and would help fund drug eradication and awareness programs. It could help pull California out of debt, supporters say, raising up to $990 million from the fees.
I told you this was coming..........Stay Tuned
Monday, January 11, 2010
BECKY and FAMILY Revisited

We have not heard from Becky. Emily, Pam's sister, called her. She ranted on about how hurt everyone is but for all her education in Psychology she can't see both sides of this situation. Pam's cousin Amy sent an email. Then she got a call from DUG, Pam's brother. He doesn't have the testicles to call Pam or me. Likewise we have heard nothing from Pam's mother or father.
Oops, sorry, we did get a BOOK from Becky. It was a bound book of photos showing Pam's visit to Belleville over Thanksgiving. Cute photos of Pam and Jack, but no photo of me. Jack wondered why I wasn't in the book. Well Jack, it's like this.............
I DO Support Freedom to Marry

Today the Federal Trial begins in San Francisco to decide if California Proposition 8 is legal. In my view it is not. Note the trail is not on YouTube because the supporters of Prop 8 don't want to be seen on TV.
This is an historic moment of all Americans. Our basic principal of freedom and justice, "equal protection under the law" is being tested in court. We know that under Islamic Law, gay marriage would not be tolerated. Further, we are told that the bible rejects homosexuality, although there are really no clear examples of this point. You would think it would be one of the ten commandments if it were a sin. You can't covert property, but no mention of homosexuality. It does make me wonder why this was omitted.
Regardless, our society is built on laws. Yes, we have a long tradition of religious belief. In the end, we made the decision to move away from church rules to a legal system that holds that all men and women are created equal. Black, white Asian, gay, divorced, single, hippies or not, we are all equal under the law. This principal forced the ban on slavery and allowed for women to vote. It is our core belief and I believe it will force the end of Proposition 8.
I'm no liberal. As a real conservative I want to see everyone treated the same. Today I read an article by Theodore Olson in NEWSWEEK. He makes the case this way: " Americans who believe in the words of the Declaration of Independence, in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, in the 14th Amendment, and in the Constitution's guarantees of equal protection and equal dignity before the law cannot sit by while this wrong continues. This is not a conservative or liberal issue; it is an American one, and it is time that we, as Americans, embraced it."
You can read this article at : http://www.newsweek.com/id/229957
Friday, January 8, 2010
And now a word from Accu-Weather 9000

London is 30 degrees, Orlando is 38 degrees New Orleans is 33 degrees and Kapalua, Maui is 83 at the Ritz Carlton. The only warmer place is Perth, West Australia where it is the middle of the summer and approaching 90 degrees for all next week.
I guess that Perth and Maui Temperatures are a result of Global Warming. Ha, ha ha ha ha
Thursday, January 7, 2010
TSA in the news.....you can't make this up.

TSA Agent Arrested at LAX
From NBCLA.com
They are the first line of defense in airport security but two troubling incidents involving TSA agents at LAX are raising concerns.
A TSA agent was arrested on January 3rd in Terminal One at LAX, a source told NBCLA. He had just gotten off duty and was behaving erratically, saying, "I am god, I’m in charge." The agent was arrested.
Meanwhile, a TSA Internal Affairs investigation turned up evidence of LAX TSA agents using drugs at an after-hours party.
TSA officials say a videotape of the party was of poor quality and the employees were not in uniform, but 4 employees were tentatively identified.
All 4 were tested for drugs. One came back positive and that employee was fired.
America wake up to this HOAX.....the TSA and so called "airport security" is a fraud. You are paying billions to be illegally searched all in the name of safety. In spite of the systems and long lines, the TSA has not been successful at catching a single terrorist in the last five years. This phony TSA security system is a waste of Tax dollars and an "unreasonable search".
Be vocal and demand an end to this stupid search system. The only people who need to be searched are those who fail computer profiling. Anyone who buys a ticket with a credit card is traceable prior to the planes departure. TSA and the airlines know these fliers are "safe" prior to arrival at the airport. TSA is a Joke.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
THE END of 2009

Things were not so bad for me and those I know. Yes, Jennifer has a house in U City she needs to sell. Beyond that, things were not as bad as they appeared in the news. I was laid off from Empress. That led to me starting my own business working from home. Necessity, the mother of invention. Frank Zappa was right. My modest business was successful and we had enough left over for our annual Holiday Party. An added plus, I got to meet and work with Jay Gallagher. I feel like I have known Jay all my life.
Meredith graduated from College, or at least completed her class work and is now ready to find a full time job or attend Grad School. She and Shaun have a new Apartment in San Francisco. Wow, how cool is that? To be 24 and living in the City by the Bay. Just a cable car ride from the Buena Vista. Nice job Mere. You had a dream and you made it come true. I am really proud of you.
Colleen is finished with Orange Coast and trying to transfer to Cal State Fullerton. She seems really happy with Cameron. Her job at the Counter is steady and she will be turning 21 in March. That should lead to a new career opportunity involving beverages. I think Colleen is the happiest she has ever been. She took me to lunch in Laguna for my Birthday and it made my day.
Jack is four. He is wonderful and spends too much time with grown ups. Some of this time is spent watching "bad guy movies". We need to keep an eye on him to make sure he understands they are just make believe.
Pam is also doing great. Her job could not get any better. She turned down a promotion because she wanted an office and they only offered a cubicle. Her sales results exceeded budget and she is respected by the people she works with. If only her mother, Becky, would appreciate her as much as Jack, me, and her employer. But that is Becky's problem and not Pam's.
So it wasn't such a bad year. On the usual scale it came out about an 8.7. Julie had us all together for Christmas Dinner as one family. Thanks again Julz. Greg came to visit for a week and we got to catch up. Yes, I wish Becky and Pam would resolve their issues. But, I don't miss Becky, Dug, or Emily. I wish Kate and Jennifer would come visit or call. I have tried to stay in touch with them.
I wish things were perfect. This gives me something to work on in 2010.

I waited and read up on AVATAR. I went Opening Day to see the movie in 3D IMAX. The special effects were really good and in IMAX it is overpowering. Jack wanted to see AVATAR so I went a second time to see it with him. I liked AVATAR. My only concern was the thin story line and lack of complex character development. This movie won't win awards for writing.
Then, as a second thought, we went to see SHERLOCK HOLMES. Wow! This movie is all about the writing and the character. I have to admit I have been a Sherlock Holmes fan since I was a boy. Regardless, nothing you have seen or read previously adds up to the new movie by Guy Ritchie. In my view, Sherlock Holmes is better than Avatar in every possible way.
My guess is most of America will see Avatar and some will see Sherlock Holmes. Few will see both movies and be able to compare the set design, costumes and writing. For those who have seen other Guy Ritchie movies, [Snatch, Lock Stock and two Smoking Barrels], this movie has the same quickness in dialogue and visual style with slow motion sequences designed to explain the critical moments. I loved it and really like the style that Guy Ritchie has developed.
Go see Sherlock Holmes. It is one of the best movies of 2009.

So where is Al Gore during all this? Have we finally reached a point where we can openly discuss the Hoax that Global Warming has become? If you are reading this and it is really cold outside ask yourself. Does Global Warming really exist?
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