Like the line from an old Nazi War movie, America is becoming increasingly more like the evil empires we have defeated. The recent passage of the Arizona law requires proof of US Citizenship. My guess is that over 50% of all Americans cannot prove their citizenship if asked.
The Arizona law is an extension of US Law which defines citizenship by showing proof in one of three ways.
• By certified birth certificate
• By Naturalization Certificate
• By US Passport
It is currently estimated that less than 25% of all Americans own a US Passport. I believe even fewer have a certified copy of their own Birth Certificate. It would seem that only Naturalized Citizens have the documentation needed to prove US Citizenship. Is it just me or does this whole thing seem silly and completely unnecessary.
Who cares about citizenship? Some say we elected President who has trouble proving he is a citizen. Is this issue of citizenship all that important? Almost anyone who wants to can buy a ticket and fly to America to visit Disney World. Once your here you can blend in and soon become as American as Hot Dogs, Pasta, and Tacos. This is a big country full of foreigners. The only "real Americans" were the natives we stole the land from.
My solution is to set up offices at ports of entry for people to register, get finger printed, and have a photo taken. Then like they did at Ellis Island, turn them loose to go make a better life for themselves and their families. This is what America stood for, for over a hundred years. It was a place where the Italians, Irish, Germans, Chinese, and many others could come to make a better life. So what's changed? What have we got to fear from the "New Americans" who are following in my grandfather's footsteps? Nothing. Over 12 million illegal's are here now and they are all around us. I say we should make them welcome and thank them for picking strawberries, making beds, and cleaning my house. I can't find any "real Americans" who want those jobs.
Show me your Papers!