How much do we, as a nation, spend on the Post Office? NASA? AMTRAK? The Dept of Commerce? Best guess, it is over $300 Billion per year. Add to this cost, the cost of a pointless 10 year War in "Effenstan" and you can quickly see a way to save a Trillion dollars. The question is, Why isn't there a politician or party willing to support these cuts in government spending? The answer is the ONE PARTY System. Politicians are there to vote to spend money with their "friends" in Big Business. Nobody wants to cut spending because nobody gets paid off when we DON'T spend money.
Almost Daily I hear that President Urkel is a "socialist" or radical liberal. I am amazed at the way people view US Politics. There is really only a ONE PARTY system in Amerika. It is the party of Professional Politicians. They have tricked you in to thinking there are differences between Demopublicans and Republicrats. There isn't. Urkel said he would end the War.....what happened? He bailed out Wall Street and the Banks.....just like a Republicrat. Go to http://www.downsizinggovernment.org/ to see how we could cut spending on government and balance the budget. Which party supports these cuts? NONE.
The original idea of Representative Government was to have one person go vote for the State or District. This job of voting was seen as a part time job. The Constitution did not plan for the Professional Politician. Today we have people in congress and government who have made their entire careers as politicians. Robert Byrd comes to mind from West Virginia. The only real goal for these Politicians is to make money for their friends who donated to send them to Washington or the State Capitol. Over the last 100 years as the Professional Politicians have established themselves in government, we have seen budgets explode. More and more government money is spent on Departments and government projects. This money they are spending is OURS. Do you really feel like you are getting your money's worth from the Department of Energy?
The Federal Energy Dept spends $38 Billion per year and employs 16,000 workers. This works out to $320 in Taxes to each family in Amerika. In 1977 Jimmy Carter asked that the Department of Energy be created to help Amerika reduce the need for foreign oil. It has not worked and we have spent over $500 Billion on an Energy Department in the last 30 years. The same is true for the Department of Transportation. Since 1967 this Department has cost us over a TRILLION dollars. It will cost each family $700 dollars in taxes this year. Are you getting your money's worth?
Real Change in Amerika won't come until we end the ONE Party system of Professional Politicians and begin to manage the government.