Thursday, August 5, 2010


How did all this begin? How do we decide what's right?

Today, Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker overturned California's gay-marriage ban in a landmark case that could eventually force the U.S. Supreme Court to confront the question of whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to wed. Most people missed the news flash or did not care about the result. But each of us should care, because today's ruling is History in the making and one of similar events that have changed humanity. Things were not always like this. Freedom and Justice were much harder to achieve 800 years ago. Over time, mankind has moved from a position in which our "fate" was thought to be pre-established by god, even before our birth, to the freedom we enjoy today. At one dark point it was argued that Humanity did not have free will to decide things for ourselves.
Make no mistake. We are not free now. If you think you are free, get high, and drive naked at 100 miles per hour. That should cure you.

Humanity is much freer today than they were in 1215. Prior to 1215 the common belief was in the "Divine Right of Kings". It meant that the King was selected by god to lead us and his will must be obeyed. No voting, no courts, no judges. The King decided everything. It is almost a joke to believe this was common "law" prior to 1215. No joke, the King made all the decisions.

Liberals, those progressives who hate existing norms, pushed for Laws to govern humanity. On June 15, 1215 the Magna Carte was signed. The Magna Carta of 1215 required King John of England to proclaim certain liberties, and accept that his will was not arbitrary, for example by explicitly accepting that no freeman could be punished except through the law of the land, a right which is still in existence today. This was the beginning of the long road to the current level of freedom enjoyed by us and some of humanity.

Other events helped to shape the freedom we enjoy. The writing and signing of the US Constitution, the Abolition of Slavery, the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment, giving women the right to vote, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. On each of these days, History was made in that Freedom was expanded to more of humanity.

Today, History was made in San Francisco and we need to remember it has been an 800 year fight to get this far. Labels, like Conservative or Liberal, have changed greatly over the last 800 years. The one thing that has not changed is the march forward for more and better individual freedom for Humanity. When issues, like Gay Marriage arise, you have a choice. Are you on the side of increased Freedom for Humanity or are you a supporter of restricting Freedom for yourself or others? Throw out the worn out labels and make decisions based on expanding freedom for Humanity.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

TEST Blog from Email


As if there isn't enough connectivity with iPhone, iPad, Facebook and Twitter.

Now I can BLOG from my phone directly to my BLOGGER site.




Monday, August 2, 2010


A week ago, Jack complained about his ear hurting. He has had four or five ear infections over the last three years. Pam called Kaiser [] to get an appointment.

Kaiser has been our "Health Insurance" and Medical provider for almost ten years. Regardless of your opinion about HMOs or Corporate Medicine, Kaiser does a really good job. When Pam was pregnant, Kaiser tested her and monitored her progress unlike anything I have ever seen. The entire pregnancy and delivery cost $100 and it was Great Care.

Jack usually goes to see a Pediatrician. Pam got an appointment with Family Medicine with a Doctor we had not seen previously. I took Jack to the appointment. I expected it would take five minutes and we would get a 10 day supply of "Bubble Gum Medicine", the Pink penicillin in liquid. We got there and saw the Doctor immediately. They did the routine checking of Jack's weight and temperature then a quick check of his heart and lungs. The Doctor turned to me and said, "HAS HE ALWAYS HAD THIS HEART CONDITION"?

I have never felt the pain of having a child with a serious illness. Parents who have kids with cancer break my heart. Nothing on earth is a painful as having a child with an illness you cannot fix. You are helpless and as a father, inadequate. I almost fainted. No, Jack has never had any problems with his heart or otherwise. I stood there helpless. I asked, "Are you sure"? Dr. Tan said, "Here listen to this." I put on the stethoscope and listened to Jack's heart. Sounded loud with a swishing sound. Dr. Tan said that sound was a Heart murmur. She ordered an Echo Cardiogram and sent us out with the Bubble Gum Medicine.

Pam tried to set up the appointment for the Cardiogram. Kaiser said Jack needed to see a Cardiologist prior to the test. To me this sounded like a STALL technique and I insisted on the test. This led to several disagreeable phone calls in which I reminded everyone that Doctor Tan had ordered a TEST and NOT a Consultation. My last phone conversation included the threat that ..."if anything happens to this little boy, while we wait for this test, I will hold you personally responsible for acting "Against Medical Advice" of the ordering Physician." I was upset and pissed off. I was worried and Kaiser seemed to be stalling the test.

On Thursday, Kaiser called and said they would do the test Friday morning and we could see the Cardiologist next week for the results. I had won my argument to have Jack Tested. We went to the Hospital Friday and each of us worked real hard to make it as easy and unimportant as possible. During the test, in the dark, Pam cried and hid it from Jack.

Today, just a few minutes ago, Doctor Loo, the Cardiologist, [where do all the German, Irish and English Doctors practice?] called to say we did not need to come in for the Appointment. He had read the Cardiogram and looked at the film. Jack's heart was normal and the sound we heard was normal among children under 10 years old.

You never know how good things are until they change. I love this little Boy and I am so happy he is well....5 more days of Bubble Gum Medicine to go.