Monday, October 29, 2012

Role of Government

For the last year America, and many European countries, has struggled with the role of government. The two big questions have been: What should government do for us? And, How do we pay for the government we want? Now, a week before the US election a major storm is approaching the seat of Federal Government. Washington, New York and the Northeast will be hit by hurricane Sandy. This is a great time to ask: Do those being hit by this storm want to "go it alone" or get the help and support of their government?

Candidate Romney and his far right "wing nut" supporters would like to see America return to its frontier traditions in which everyone was on their own. In this way we would have a much smaller government and we would, at least in theory, pay less in taxes. But the role of government should be to provide citizens with the things they cannot do themselves. Safety is one thing government can and should provide. Along with education, a legal system, highways and healthcare, Government should keep its citizens safe from threats.

As we vote next week. Remember we are voting on the kind of government we want for our families in the future. I prefer we follow the Obama plan to cut spending, reduce involvement in foreign wars and begin to do "nation building" in America instead of Iraq or Afghanistan. America is a rich country and we can afford to keep our families safe from terrorist, hurricanes, and swine flu. Tax increases for the wealthiest Americans would make this possible and balance our budget.