Billboards have been popping up all over the country. They say, "don't believe in god....you are not alone." Talk radio and the Internet are buzzing about the New Atheist attack on Amerikan values. Many secular humanist, free thinkers, and hard line atheist are smiling. Finally, EQUAL TIME. Yes....
For all of my life I have had to sit through prayers and other forms of worship at public gatherings. I have seen enough nativity scenes and crosses to make me puke. Now a new billboard campaign is creating a panic. The Christian Right want these billboards taken down. Apparently, they worry that their followers might read these signs and jump ship. The truth is, the signs are there to just say, "it's OK to not believe".
Non-Religious persons are not trying to convert anyone. All we are saying is it is OK to believe and it is also OK to NOT believe. A recent USA Today/Gallup Poll found that 53% of Amerikans say an atheist is "disqualified" from being elected President. The same poll said 43% believed a gay person would be disqualified. It is currently acceptable to discriminate against a person because they are NOT believers. Further polling data shows that roughly 15% of Amerikans consider themselves to be atheist or freethinkers.
It is time to talk openly about non-belief. Like gays coming out of the closet, those who consider themselves to be atheist, freethinkers, humanist, or at whatever need to speak out in the name of GOoD.....with the extra O. Proposition 8 passed becuase the religious voted together.
1 comment:
It's just religulous.
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