What are these Views? They are opinions and comments on the things that happen around the world and in my day-to-day life. The Joy and Frustration.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
This Global Warming is really a problem. It is 37 below in North Dakota and I hear it may get to zero in St Louis on Thursday. Ha ha ha ha. Al Gore must be freezing his butt off if he is in Tennessee. Here? in Los Angeles it is 83 today....a little too warm for me. I drove the convertible this morning but at lunch I had to put the top up. Just too warm. We had to run the air conditioner last night. It was 78 and a little too warm for sleeping.
Curmudgeon - opinionated ill tempered old person who likes having things my own way.
My parents were dirt poor Irish, raised in the depression. They never graduated from the 8th grade. My father was a tough guy. He joined the Army and retired after 30 years as a First Sergeant. Mom was just a little tougher then Dad, she had a .32 automatic since she was a girl. Her mom, did Federal Time for violation of the Volstead Act. We lived on military bases around the world. I learned to drink and drive in Germany during the 60's. People say I'm argumentative... Life is too short to put up with crap you don't like.
If they want to drive 55 and put on make up...why are they in the car pool lane?
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