Today, SAAB, now a part of General Motors, has declared bankruptcy. With just a little luck this "road slug" of a car will finally die the death it deserved 30 years ago
I used to say, "I would SOB too if I drove a SAAB" These were slow quirky cars made for the Swedish market. It was said that the average SAAB lasted 30 years in Sweden. It should. Sweden only has 100,000 miles of paved roads, with 9 million people. There are more paved roads and more people living in Southern California. A SAAB in Sweden was only driven to church on Sunday.
SAAB in America was the car of College Professors and Sierra Club members. All of these customers have now switched to driving Toyota Prius, so the SAAB currently has no real market.
I say the end of SAAB is just one of the benefits of the current financial crisis. I hear the P/T Cruiser is also being considered for extinction. Good news just keeps on coming.
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