Furniture is necessary and always too expensive. I see it like blue jeans. You want it to fit well and last a long time but not be $100 per pair. Levis have always been the best value. I like the story about Levi Strauss coming to find gold in San Francisco during the 1849 Gold Rush. The Gold he found was in making jeans out of tent material. Here is a link to him: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levi_Strauss
Back to my point. Furniture is necessary. When we built our new house we decided to give most of our furniture to Meredith who was moving to an apartment in San Francisco. For a short time we lived in an apartment with no furniture. We had a bed and a plasma screen TV. We would sit on the floor to eat and watch TV. We should have lived in a trailer I suppose.
All our new furniture was in storage at ROOM & BOARD. We went to the local ROOM & BOARD store in Costa Mesa and picked out things for the new house. Then we went on line to make decisions about color and sizes. Finally, I called a really nice lady in Minnesota [ yes she said MINN -A- SOOODA]. ROOM & BOARD is headquartered in Minnesota and they have a call center there. We picked all our stuff, had it made or shipped to the Irvine Warehouse and stored until we were ready to move.
It was cool moving into to a new home and then having all new furniture delivered. It was like living in a model home or at a hotel. The things we ordered worked out great. It has been 18 months and not a single problem. ROOM & BOARD like Levis is a great value. If you have not been to a ROOM & BOARD Store, or seen their great catalog, here is a link to their site. I recommend them for Traditional / Contemporary Furniture. It's NOT Modern. It is good solid stuff that looks like the 21st Century.
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