The core reason for all of this failure is the simple lie that Leadership and / or Management can be taught. It can not. All the Business School graduates on Wall Street could not predict or prevent the collapse of our financial system. They all went to Business School and they were taught how to "Lead" companies. In the end they failed.
Leadership is a trait you are born with. It can be developed and trained but it is much like throwing a 90 mile per hour fast ball: You either got it or you don't. No high school geek dumb ass who goes to Harvard Business School and gets paid $10 million a year to manage a company will be successful unless he was born with Leadership skills. If we have learned anything over the last five years as a global neighborhood it is this: Leadership is critical to human development.
So why the Leadership shortage? The main reason is the overwhelming push to make children and future leaders conform. Real leaders are not part of the herd. They are not sheep. They are wolves. They don't like to be told what to do and they are risk takers. Over the last 50 years America, and the world have worked hard to make everyone the same. To fit in. They have beaten or punished those who seek a different path. This has led to the stereo typical Business leaders we have today. Dull as flat black paint. No idea what is innovative or interesting. If you think I am joking...drive over to any GM dealer and look at the cars. Brother. Or, try solving some problem at your bank. They are all sheep and nobody can make a decision.
We must encourage and support children who want to lead. We can not allow these traits to be brainwashed out of their little minds. Leadership is to valuable to have it squashed out of children for the sake of normalcy. We do not need the lowest common denominator running Banking or our Country.
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