Monday, November 30, 2009


The Saint Louis band, MAMA'S PRIDE used to sing: "BUT IF YOU REALLY WANNA HEAR THE BLUES,COME ON TO OL' ST. LOU." They were singing about "the Blues" that music of the Mississippi River that began in the South and moved up the river from Memphis to Chicago.

Last week I spent a few days back in St Louis and I would be singing the Blues if I lived there too. St Louis is not doing well. Much of what is wrong with Saint Louis is a result of it's beginning and these things can not be changed. It began as a place to stop along the river and take on supplies. French Traders first stopped there in 1673. Later it was a place to cross the river and take on supplies for the trip across the Prairie to the West. In point of fact, St Louis has always been sort of a "Truck Stop" for people who are on their way to someplace better.

During boom times, like the Civil War period and Westward expansion, Saint Louis prospered due to it's location. Again, industry and growth were built on the commerce of the travelers passing through the area. Today, Interstate 70 still carries much of the goods through St Louis that cross the country by truck. But, this road side oasis has out lived it's original need. Decay has set in and continues to destroy the core of the city.

In 1950, 856,000 people lived and worked in St Louis city. Today less than 350,000 remain. Those that live in St Louis city today are nearly all poor and black. It is true that St Louis County has grown as has the Metro East area but many of the key manufacturing jobs at McDonnell Douglas, Emerson, Ford, Chrysler, and GM plants are gone or going away. Even Anheuser Busch has sold to a European company. With this has gone the tax base and funding for infrastructure.

Today Saint Louis is depressing, ugly, old, and not very interesting compared to many other cities in America. The weather does not help the situation. Cold winters and hot humid summers only make the conditions worse. Saint Louis has become a city in decline with nearly no current purpose or future. Like Detroit, and many mid western small towns, St Louis is long past it's glory and suffering. Driving around you see vacant lots and boarder up 100 year old brick buildings.


It seems that President Obama is ready to address the nation on Tuesday night regarding the War in Afghanistan. Here are some important facts to keep in mind regarding his address and the War in Afghanistan.
1. On 9/11 we were attacked by Al Qaeda, not the Taliban.
2. All of the 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia.
3. The Taliban had been US Allies in the Afghan WAR against Russian Occupation. We trained and equipped the Taliban to fight for Afghan Independence.
4. Each new solider going to Afghanistan costs the US Tax payers ONE MILLION dollars per year in total cost. 30,000 new troops will cost about $3 Billion new dollars.
5. The current Federal deficit is in excess of ONE TRILLION dollars and growing.
6. Russia fought in Afghanistan for over 10 years with over 100,000 troops including the elite Spetsnaz [Special Forces] and failed to win.
7. All of Al Qaeda are currently hiding in Pakistan.
Given these facts, it is too costly, unwinnable, and a waste of US resources to continue a War in Afghanistan. I urge you to write congress and the President to bring the troops home. We need to put AMERICA FIRST. This includes focus on our economy, domestic border protection, and responsible cost effective government.

Monday, November 23, 2009


We were at a party over this past weekend and a lady who works with Pam brought up the fact that the GAP has a policy NOT to wish people Merry Christmas.

Every year we go through this same old tired exercise. For those of you who haven't listened to me carry on about we go again. The Holiday is CHRISTMAS. It is a federal holiday and a day off work. There is nothing wrong with saying "Merry Christmas". People who say "Happy Holidays" are either stupid or gutless.

I'm an atheist and don't really believe in too much religious nonsense. Regardless, I am smart enough to know the Federal Holidays. Christmas is the one on December 25. It is NOT called "HOLIDAY" it is Christmas and it has a long history in Europe.

Christmas as we know it, was a Holiday long before the GAP. It was the Winter Solstice celebration for the Celts. They would drag trees into the cave to set them on fire to drive out the darkness. Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and 5,000 years ago in Europe it was a dark, cold, scary day. Many believed the Sun was dying and so would they.

When the Christians came along, they adopted this day and celebration for themselves, and thus began the 2,000 year old tradition of Christmas in Europe. It is an important Holiday, regardless of your religion. Sort of like Saint Patrick's Day, you don't need to be Irish or Catholic to drink Green Beer. Likewise you are not breaking any rules when you say..."MERRY CHRISTMAS".

Ask the GAP, and anyone else who tells you "Happy Holidays".........what Holiday is it?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Betterbox Sales & Marketing UPDATE

It's almost Thanksgiving and I thought I would let you know how our Food Brokerage Business is going. I have been selling for six months as an Independent Sales Agent.

2009 has been a rough year for the Foodservice Business. Restaurants are all suffering, with the exception of burger and pizza places. Not many people are going out for a $40.00 steak dinner. Seafood has really been hurt by this economy. Most Americans only eat seafood when they go out to eat. Seafood sold at retail is limited to cheaper selection and in some cases, deceptive labeling.

Our business has been good. Given the economy and condition of the restaurant industry, business has been great. I currently represent four lines of seafood products. These include shrimp, crab and misc items from China. November is a very slow seafood month. Most people are focused on Turkey or Ham. Regardless, the Holiday party season is coming and Shrimp is a must have for the Holidays.

The important thing I have learned in the last six months is this: I should have been selling as a Broker for the last ten years. Back when I left Stolt Seafarm I considered my own business but took a job instead. No matter how this all turns out, I prefer working for myself and working from my home office.

I will let you know how things are going in May when we get a year into this business. Eat more shrimp!

Monday, November 9, 2009


The question quietly being asked across America and Western Europe is simple: Are all Muslims radical terrorist, waiting to strike at Western culture? We have been conditioned to believe that "Stereotyping" is wrong. Yet, in order for stereotyping to have any validity it has to have some link to reality. Consider this: Some Irish drink too much, some Jews are thrifty, some Asian women drive poorly and some Negroes are lazy. The Stereotypes have SOME validity. But, is the stereotype that ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORIST, really true and not a stereotype at all?

Consider the recent shootings at Fort Hood. Evidence is slowly coming out that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had often commented against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He called these "Wars against Muslims". I'm also against these wars but my concern is different. I believe they are too expensive and only create more Muslim terrorist. But Major Hasan attempted to contact al Qaeda via the internet and studied with a radical Imam in Virginia. It seems clear that Major Hasan was conflicted about which side he was on in this fight. Several of Major Hasan's coworkers and clergy, questioned his beliefs but failed to report their concern. Why? They did not want to look like they were stereotyping all Muslims as Terrorist. They thought Major Hasan was "conflicted" but they never sounded the alarm because they did not want to look stupid. They did the politically correct thing and kept quiet.

Regardless of Major Hasan, the bigger question remains: Can we trust Muslims living among us? This situation is far more serious in Europe. 20% of the population of Europe is Muslim. Muslims make up the "service class" in Europe the way Hispanics workers do in America. It is little wonder that America has limited support from Europe in the War effort. Europeans are afraid that the nanny or waiter might be a terrorist and turn on them.

They may be right. I think we should consider all Muslims guilty until proven innocent. Ya, I know this sounds bad. During World War Two, America took a similar position against Japanese and German Americans. Today we say that was wrong. Regardless, this suspicion helped to contain spying and acts of sabotage. I am not suggesting that we create internment camps or harass Muslims in America. All I'm saying is that the US Army made a big mistake. They believed stereotyping was wrong, gave a Muslim a chance and promoted him. Today we know Major Hasan was at the least conflicted and may have been a terrorist all along. Let's learn from this military mistake and trust our own judgments about the Muslims around us. If you think something is funny or just not right, don't second guess yourself. Forget about the "Politically Correct" thing to say and do. Question the actions of those who do not support Western Values and if necessary call the police regarding questionable behavior among Muslims. Sometimes simple folk wisdom is better than being politically correct. If it quacks like a duck.....called it a duck.