Consider the recent shootings at Fort Hood. Evidence is slowly coming out that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had often commented against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He called these "Wars against Muslims". I'm also against these wars but my concern is different. I believe they are too expensive and only create more Muslim terrorist. But Major Hasan attempted to contact al Qaeda via the internet and studied with a radical Imam in Virginia. It seems clear that Major Hasan was conflicted about which side he was on in this fight. Several of Major Hasan's coworkers and clergy, questioned his beliefs but failed to report their concern. Why? They did not want to look like they were stereotyping all Muslims as Terrorist. They thought Major Hasan was "conflicted" but they never sounded the alarm because they did not want to look stupid. They did the politically correct thing and kept quiet.
Regardless of Major Hasan, the bigger question remains: Can we trust Muslims living among us? This situation is far more serious in Europe. 20% of the population of Europe is Muslim. Muslims make up the "service class" in Europe the way Hispanics workers do in America. It is little wonder that America has limited support from Europe in the War effort. Europeans are afraid that the nanny or waiter might be a terrorist and turn on them.
They may be right. I think we should consider all Muslims guilty until proven innocent. Ya, I know this sounds bad. During World War Two, America took a similar position against Japanese and German Americans. Today we say that was wrong. Regardless, this suspicion helped to contain spying and acts of sabotage. I am not suggesting that we create internment camps or harass Muslims in America. All I'm saying is that the US Army made a big mistake. They believed stereotyping was wrong, gave a Muslim a chance and promoted him. Today we know Major Hasan was at the least conflicted and may have been a terrorist all along. Let's learn from this military mistake and trust our own judgments about the Muslims around us. If you think something is funny or just not right, don't second guess yourself. Forget about the "Politically Correct" thing to say and do. Question the actions of those who do not support Western Values and if necessary call the police regarding questionable behavior among Muslims. Sometimes simple folk wisdom is better than being politically correct. If it quacks like a duck.....called it a duck.
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