Yes, this weekend is Halloween. Today is the annual Employee Test given by smart managers to see who gets the lowest year end evaluation and no raise.
Years ago we had Halloween but NOBODY came to work dressed in a costume. Then slowly over time, the dumbest of staff members began to ask..."Can we dress up on Friday for Halloween?" I was sure this was a bad idea. I never dressed up for Halloween and always used this day as an informal IQ Test for my staff. Whom among you is the dumbest person working here? Today, that person will reveal himself or herself as in often the case.
If you work in a large Office you will notice a natural pecking order develop today. Clearly one person will shine as the single biggest dumb shit in the place. Then there will be others who will qualify as just plain stupid. Finally, one or two will actually come to work, without a costume. These are your all stars and they deserve the best performance review and biggest raise.
It's nice that Halloween falls this time of year. It makes employee evaluations both interesting and much simpler.
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