Like many Americans, I did not vote for President Obama. Regardless, I watched his speech on Libya and agree with his leadership in this critical situation. Like his direction in Egypt, President Obama has maintained America's credibility among Arabs in support of self determination. This is not an easy path to walk and President Obama deserves credit for the way in which he has worked in support of Arab freedom fighters.
Many, including myself, have did not want "another war" in a Muslim country. We have spent nearly two trillion dollars fighting two pointless wars with no end in sight. President Obama, in his speech, was clear that the US role in Libya would not degenerate into another long term expensive conflict. He also was clear about our unique position to save thousands of people from certain death. These people would have died as a result of an attack on Benghazi. America and our allies saved these people so as to help them continue their struggle for freedom.
America has often been wrong in the past when we support dictators who crush their citizens. In Egypt and Libya we are on the right side of the conflict and the President deserves credit for his leadership. When he is wrong....say so. When he is right....be sure to tell him.