It was my Dad's Birthday on March 15. He would have been 91 years old but he died in 1998. He was a great guy and I miss him.
Dad fought the Japanese on Okinawa in WW II and never really ended his personal war with Japan. He was attacked by a Japanese solider in hand to hand combat. He killed the Japanese soldier and brought back the sword that almost killed him. Yes, Dad if you are reading this....I still have the sword.
Dad grew up during the depression working with his brothers selling illegal whiskey. His job was to carry a shotgun and shoot people who tried to rob them. He told me many times that he was really lucky that WW II came along because he never graduated from eighth grade and didn't have any real skill, except his ability to shoot people. Dad stayed in the military as a First Sergeant and retired after 30 years. One of his favorite sayings was about the SIX Ps. He told me that: Piss Poor Planning Predicated Poor Performance. Dad was full of wise First Sergeant Idioms.
Dad would have laughed his ass off this past week at the Japanese and the events at the Fukishima Power Plant. Yes, I know it is all horrible and a tragic loss of life. But, if you were my Dad, and you spent most of your adult life hating the Japanese, the Japanese cars, Japanese TVs, and all things Japanese. If you lost friends at Pearl Harbor and hated watching TV during the 70s and 80s because they kept saying Japanese this and that. If you heard it 10,000 times that the Japanese are soooo much better at making things, inventing things, and business. Then last week was your big HA! The Six Ps caught up with Japan and I'm sorry Dad did not live to see it.
I guess the shock for me has been the total lack of anything close to a real plan to protect and save these reactors. I grew up thinking Japan really had their shit together when it came to industrial and manufacturing stuff. Turns out they don't know any more about what they are doing than we do in the good old USA. There is a place where old military guys go when they die, I'm sure Dad and some of those guys from the USS Arizona are drinking beer and laughing.
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