So, like twenty or thirty other Americans, I watched the CNN Republicrats Presidential Debate last night. Wow, what a group of losers. I was really disappointed and, as Bill Gough used to say, "Underwhelmed."
It might just be that the best Republicrat candidate is Obama. Let's look at the facts. Obama bailed out GM, Wall Street, and Big Banking. That is solid Republicrat work. Obama agreed to keep Gitmo open. Again, Obama and Dick Cheney agree so it must be OK. Obama agreed to continue our Wars in Effenstan and iRock. Plus he added a brand new war in Libya. This is again the kind of work you would expect from a Bush follower. Finally, unemployment is way too high and ONLY a Republicrat would allow this to happen going into an election year. It seems clear....Obama is the best Republicrat candidate.
But let's look at the field. Only Ron Paul seems to have a clear message. All the other candidates have two things to say: First, everything is Obama's fault. Second, they want less government but they won't commit to cutting spending in any specific way. These are not the vague wishy washy wimpy Republicrats we need. Looks like if Ron Paul get's the nomination I could support him....otherwise, I'm voting for Urkel.
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