Wednesday, December 23, 2009


If you are watching GOLD prices you know it has fallen in the last two weeks.
Krugerands are trading at $1136 each, down from $1250. The 200 day moving average is at $1025. This is the average trading price for the past 200 days.

If GOLD falls to the 200 day moving average, this is a good time to buy.
Historically GOLD has only briefly dropped to the 200 day average and then reversed and gone up.

Note: GOLD coins like the Krugerand, American Eagle, and Canadian Maple Leaf are easy to buy and trade. Each is a troy ounce of GOLD. You can buy them at any coin shop for $25 over the market. Over the last five years they have gone from $500 each to over $1,000.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


A Big Thanks to Colleen for the Birthday Lunch at Watermarc in Laguna Beach. Good soup and a "free" Birthday tray for desert.

They always come back. Just look into her are getting sleepy. Now she has you in her spell. Thanks again Colleen, you will always be Jack's "older Brother".

12-15-47 to 12-15-09

Sometimes when you start something you just aren't sure if you will ever get to the finish.

Today is my birthday. I am 62 and eligible to collect Social Security. Everyone who has a job and has paid into this so called, retirement safety net, should be happy for me. This doesn't mean I am going to start collecting my money. They have it set up in a way so as to encourage you to wait and collect at 66. That's' four years from now.

Regardless, I made it this far and I was never very sure that I would live this long. I have had a crazy life and by all accounts I should have been dead in the 1970s. Luck and Common Sense prevailed and it feels good to finally be at a point where the government will start paying me.

I'm going to Laguna Beach for Lunch with Colleen. She's driving so, I might just have a few sips of the sauce. Thanks Mom for this day back in 1947. You and Dad did a great job and not a day goes by that I don't think of you.

Monday, December 14, 2009


It's been a week since I posted FAMILY ISSUES. Still no call from BECKY. Each day that goes by proves my point; She only cares about BECKY. The good news is if she can't call, she won't visit and there is no way in hell that we are ever going back to another Wal-Mart Family Holiday.

So, things are going just fine. Pam is disappointed but at least things are clear. Emily called her and I think that was positive.


It is that time of year. The LA Auto Show has been running for the last two weeks. With the Christmas stuff, tree etc, we almost missed it. Sunday was the last day and we got there by 10:30 to check out what's new.

Jack ran around like a crazy boy. The crowds were really light. This was the last day of the Show. Maybe people aren't buying cars so they aren't going to look...who knows. Lack of crowds left big areas for Jack to run wild. He had to sit in as many cars as possible. You can see his grinning little face in the Porsche above.

As we wandered around the Show, it became clear that the Germans are winning the car war. There were almost no lookers in the huge Ford booth.....empty. Likewise Chrysler looked like a ghost town. At BMW, Porsche, Mercedes, and Audi you could barely find room to walk. Jack waited for several minutes to sit on the new BMW 1000 RR motorcycle.
Pam has an eight year old BMW 325 Convertible. She loved it when she first got it. Today it holds fond memories but she has been thinking about the day....when she will have the Porsche Convertible.
We pay almost $1500 a month for Jack to attend Tutor Time. It's really the only way Jack can learn to play with other little kids. He loves it and is almost ready to read. Next year he will attend Kindergarten at Tutor Time with all his friends. But in September of 2011 Jack will be in First Grade. This means no more payments to Tutor Time.
$1500 a month is just about what it will take to buy the 911S Porsche Convertible. The one we looked at the Show listed at $135,000. Ya, seems like a lot of money for a car. But, it is just about the best car on earth.
So the clock it ticking. 21 months to go to the 911 Convertible. I will keep you posted on our progress.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Avatar is coming in IMAX 3D next week. This movie is going to change the idea of going to the Movies.

For the last five years it has been easier to skip going to the Movies. We either wait for Movies to come out on DVD or we rent them on Cable through On-Demand Movies. Driving to the Theatre, waiting in line, sitting in some uncomfortable sticky seat, just isn't as good as being at home.

And, HD Movies at home have been just as good as watching the same movie at the Theatre. But all this may just change. AVATAR and the technology behind the movie may make it necessary to go back to the Theatre. IMAX 3D won't be coming home for a few years and if there was ever a movie to go see in is AVATAR. Early release information in London said the opening night crowd gave the Movie a standing ovation.

In Jack's words this may just be a Really Good Bad Guy Good Guy Movie.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I need to explain myself. People will be asking, "Is Pam's husband crazy?" In a general sense, that question remains to be answered, but regarding this situation..., you alone can be my judge.

I see my role to include responsibility for the protection and welfare of my family. Meredith and Colleen always knew I was there if they needed me to step in to defend them. My approach has never been subtle. I tend to speak out to make may point. I do get results.

My role of protector includes defending Pam and Jack from gossip and abuse, even if it comes from Pam's Mom.

For 15 years I have loved Pam Olroyd. We met while working together. I respected her and we agreed on so many things that it became clear that we would be best friends. Her mother, BECKY, did not approve.

As a parent, I would be concerned if my 23 year old daughter came home and said she liked a 45 year old married man. I understand completely how BECKY felt. But, Pam had always been smart. She was the smartest child, valedictorian, and graduated Summa Cum Laude at U of I. As a parent, I would take time to listen and understand before drawing conclusions. My daughter's boyfriends have always been accepted.

It is here, at this point in my relationship with Pam, that the problem began. BECKY either did not trust Pam's judgement Or, as I have come to believe, she did not care. In my view, BECKY only cares about BECKY. She is insecure and gossips to diminish those around her, whom she sees as "rivals." Becky has done this to nearly everyone in the family. She has said things about Bobby and Sarah, DUG's wife and children, her mother and sisters and more. Simply put: BECKY does not want Pam be happy. She was then and is now jealous of her daughter and her accomplishments. This is the core issue that has led to our situation.

Back to our Story.....So, Pam wanted her mother to accept her decision and our relationship. She set up a lunch in which BECKY and I were to meet. Pam and I arrived to meet BECKY and Pam's sister, Emily, at Jalapenos, in Clayton. This was in ...about 1995. It was a disaster.

BECKY and Emily arrived with a chip on their shoulder. I think I said, "It's a nice day." and They said..."Oh, is it?" in a smug, glib way so as to question everything about me. BECKY had made up her mind and Emily, the mental health poster child, agreed.

That was it. NO ACCEPTANCE for Pam. In BECKY'S view I was .....all those awful things she has said over the years. Old, stupid, overconfident, outspoken, brash, egocentric, a slob, drunk, whatever. [One or two may be true but you have to pick the ones you like best.]

Time went by. I accepted a job in LA. The next year Pam moved to LA. Then in 1999 Pam's brother came to visit. DUG was sent on a "mission" by BECKY. He threatened me. At a Bar in Long Beach he told me he would "take me outside and kick my ass". Yes, he was just as stupid as Mom. I told him to sit down and stop yelling. He called me a coward. I told him I would kill him if he continued. He flew home to BECKY to report that I was in fact crazy. Everyone BECKY knew heard DUG's version of the story. I believe I was defending myself and my relationship with Pam. Back to that role of protector.

Pam and I were married in 2002. Emily and DUG refused to attend. Over the last five years Pam and I have tried to reconcile. DUG will not speak to me. Emily acts like the mental patient she hopes to cure. Each visit reopens the same wounds for Pam. She is not accepted by her brother or sister and BECKY is responsible for creating and encouraging this situation.

So why? Why has this gone on? Why has BECKY gossiped about us and created this mess? My only answer is because BECKY wants to diminish and marginalize PAM. BECKY is resentful of Pam's ability and accomplishments. BECKY can not accept Pam as a successful adult women.

Crazy? You tell me. Am I? Go to my BLOG at: and leave your comment. There has to be a reason why BECKY has spent 15 years intentionally hurting her daughter by gossiping and being rude. If I am crazy or wrong, please set me straight.

And, DUG, please come back to "kick my ass" when your wet urine stained pants dry.

Monday, December 7, 2009


We went back to St Louis this past Thanksgiving to spend time with friends and family. Part of this time included Thanksgiving Dinner with Pam's parents and relatives. Jack and Pam said they had a good time. I did not.

I am writing about this so as to have a clear record, for Jack. I want this issue to be understood and in writing. Jack asked me about the situation and I brushed it off because he is too young to understand.

For fifteen years, Pam's family have been "unhappy" with her decision to love and marry me. Her brother and sister refused to attend our wedding. Clearly, they do not respect Pam's judgement. I know they don't like me, and it is very clear when we are together. Some of them try to fake it. Everyone, except Pam's brother, was polite. Regardless, the entire Thanksgiving Day was uncomfortable.

My position on all of this is simple. The issue is between Pam and her family. Pam made the decision to love me, move to California, to marry me, and to have Jack. If there is an issue, it is with Pam's decisions. Regarding me: They don't like me. I can accept who I am. Not everyone likes me. I'm not looking for friends. I do like and respect Jim Olroyd.

From the beginning, from the first time Pam introduce me to her family, it has been a strained relationship. They misjudged me and my motives. They believed that I had "brainwashed" Pam. Anyone who knows Pam knows this is impossible. In the first meetings, they were glib and rude. Her siblings tried to humiliate and belittle me. The high point was Doug's threat to "kick my ass" at the Yardhouse in Long Beach.

Doug misjudged me more than the others. I told him he made a mistake and that if he did so a second time, I would kill him. Who did Doug think he was dealing with? I am not one to be threatened and Doug isn't man enough to do it or back it up. My guess is that Doug was acting on direction from, or with the support of his family. Over the time since that event, he has continued to behave like a coward. He also has the continued support of his family.

I have apologized to Doug for my part in the disagreement at the Yardhouse. I offered to shake Doug's hand and put this disagreement behind us. He refused, and continues to harbor resentment. Pam asked me to try to improve my relationship with her family. I tired and it has not worked. I am finished with participation in these Family events.

In my view there is nothing for me to gain by participating. Pam made her decision to move away from her family's soup opera. Jack would be better off not being involved, and, we already know they don't like me.

Pearl Harbor ....REMEMBER

Search the news today. You will find almost no mention of the fact that 68 years ago the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

December 7, 1941, was my parent's generation, 9/11. As a kid I remember them retelling stories of where they were when they heard the news that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. News traveled more slowly in 1941 and most of the urgent news was on the radio. They would say, "We interrupt our regular programing with this urgent News report...The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii." WOW, the impact was as powerful as the morning I sat and watched the second plane crash into the World Trade Center.

We should all know why the Japanese attacked. The Japanese had grown into an industrial country. In the process, they needed more and more resources to maintain their production economy. A faction in the Japanese government believed the only way to secure these resources was through invasion. The Japanese began by invading Manchuria and then China. Later they invaded French Indo-China [Vietnam]. The English and French interest in Asia were not being watched as War developed in Europe. The United States cut off oil sales to Japan in an effort to stop the military expansion in Asia. This led to the plan to bomb Pearl Harbor and destroy the US Fleet.

As a result of the bombing, the US declared War on Japan and later Germany. The Bombing of Pearl Harbor brought America into World War II. It is important that we remember this event, why it happened, and how America responded. There is a lesson in this pain. More importantly, we need to remember each year for those who fought to defend our country. Thanks Dad, we still remember all you did for us. I still have the Sword.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


The name, "Der Spiegel" means the Mirror in German. On Wednesday following President Obama's speech Der Spiegel posted the following Opinion. This is clearly the view of many of those whom Obama calls our NATO partners.

" Never before has a speech by President Barack Obama felt as false as his Tuesday address announcing America's new strategy for Afghanistan. It seemed like a campaign speech combined with Bush rhetoric -- and left both dreamers and realists feeling distraught." By Gabor Steingart, Der Spiegel

Personally, I liked the speech. I think Obama made his case for additional troops. What he did not say was that most important part of the speech. He did not say, Our friends and allies in Pakistan are capable of finding Osama Bin Laden. He did not say, Pakistan can win their own internal war against radical Islam. In fact, he made it clear that Pakistan may need our help if they want to crush the terrorist inside their own country. This looks like a long expensive mess. Der Spiegel seems to be saying Germany and NATO are not up to the fight.

Monday, November 30, 2009


The Saint Louis band, MAMA'S PRIDE used to sing: "BUT IF YOU REALLY WANNA HEAR THE BLUES,COME ON TO OL' ST. LOU." They were singing about "the Blues" that music of the Mississippi River that began in the South and moved up the river from Memphis to Chicago.

Last week I spent a few days back in St Louis and I would be singing the Blues if I lived there too. St Louis is not doing well. Much of what is wrong with Saint Louis is a result of it's beginning and these things can not be changed. It began as a place to stop along the river and take on supplies. French Traders first stopped there in 1673. Later it was a place to cross the river and take on supplies for the trip across the Prairie to the West. In point of fact, St Louis has always been sort of a "Truck Stop" for people who are on their way to someplace better.

During boom times, like the Civil War period and Westward expansion, Saint Louis prospered due to it's location. Again, industry and growth were built on the commerce of the travelers passing through the area. Today, Interstate 70 still carries much of the goods through St Louis that cross the country by truck. But, this road side oasis has out lived it's original need. Decay has set in and continues to destroy the core of the city.

In 1950, 856,000 people lived and worked in St Louis city. Today less than 350,000 remain. Those that live in St Louis city today are nearly all poor and black. It is true that St Louis County has grown as has the Metro East area but many of the key manufacturing jobs at McDonnell Douglas, Emerson, Ford, Chrysler, and GM plants are gone or going away. Even Anheuser Busch has sold to a European company. With this has gone the tax base and funding for infrastructure.

Today Saint Louis is depressing, ugly, old, and not very interesting compared to many other cities in America. The weather does not help the situation. Cold winters and hot humid summers only make the conditions worse. Saint Louis has become a city in decline with nearly no current purpose or future. Like Detroit, and many mid western small towns, St Louis is long past it's glory and suffering. Driving around you see vacant lots and boarder up 100 year old brick buildings.


It seems that President Obama is ready to address the nation on Tuesday night regarding the War in Afghanistan. Here are some important facts to keep in mind regarding his address and the War in Afghanistan.
1. On 9/11 we were attacked by Al Qaeda, not the Taliban.
2. All of the 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia.
3. The Taliban had been US Allies in the Afghan WAR against Russian Occupation. We trained and equipped the Taliban to fight for Afghan Independence.
4. Each new solider going to Afghanistan costs the US Tax payers ONE MILLION dollars per year in total cost. 30,000 new troops will cost about $3 Billion new dollars.
5. The current Federal deficit is in excess of ONE TRILLION dollars and growing.
6. Russia fought in Afghanistan for over 10 years with over 100,000 troops including the elite Spetsnaz [Special Forces] and failed to win.
7. All of Al Qaeda are currently hiding in Pakistan.
Given these facts, it is too costly, unwinnable, and a waste of US resources to continue a War in Afghanistan. I urge you to write congress and the President to bring the troops home. We need to put AMERICA FIRST. This includes focus on our economy, domestic border protection, and responsible cost effective government.

Monday, November 23, 2009


We were at a party over this past weekend and a lady who works with Pam brought up the fact that the GAP has a policy NOT to wish people Merry Christmas.

Every year we go through this same old tired exercise. For those of you who haven't listened to me carry on about we go again. The Holiday is CHRISTMAS. It is a federal holiday and a day off work. There is nothing wrong with saying "Merry Christmas". People who say "Happy Holidays" are either stupid or gutless.

I'm an atheist and don't really believe in too much religious nonsense. Regardless, I am smart enough to know the Federal Holidays. Christmas is the one on December 25. It is NOT called "HOLIDAY" it is Christmas and it has a long history in Europe.

Christmas as we know it, was a Holiday long before the GAP. It was the Winter Solstice celebration for the Celts. They would drag trees into the cave to set them on fire to drive out the darkness. Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and 5,000 years ago in Europe it was a dark, cold, scary day. Many believed the Sun was dying and so would they.

When the Christians came along, they adopted this day and celebration for themselves, and thus began the 2,000 year old tradition of Christmas in Europe. It is an important Holiday, regardless of your religion. Sort of like Saint Patrick's Day, you don't need to be Irish or Catholic to drink Green Beer. Likewise you are not breaking any rules when you say..."MERRY CHRISTMAS".

Ask the GAP, and anyone else who tells you "Happy Holidays".........what Holiday is it?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Betterbox Sales & Marketing UPDATE

It's almost Thanksgiving and I thought I would let you know how our Food Brokerage Business is going. I have been selling for six months as an Independent Sales Agent.

2009 has been a rough year for the Foodservice Business. Restaurants are all suffering, with the exception of burger and pizza places. Not many people are going out for a $40.00 steak dinner. Seafood has really been hurt by this economy. Most Americans only eat seafood when they go out to eat. Seafood sold at retail is limited to cheaper selection and in some cases, deceptive labeling.

Our business has been good. Given the economy and condition of the restaurant industry, business has been great. I currently represent four lines of seafood products. These include shrimp, crab and misc items from China. November is a very slow seafood month. Most people are focused on Turkey or Ham. Regardless, the Holiday party season is coming and Shrimp is a must have for the Holidays.

The important thing I have learned in the last six months is this: I should have been selling as a Broker for the last ten years. Back when I left Stolt Seafarm I considered my own business but took a job instead. No matter how this all turns out, I prefer working for myself and working from my home office.

I will let you know how things are going in May when we get a year into this business. Eat more shrimp!

Monday, November 9, 2009


The question quietly being asked across America and Western Europe is simple: Are all Muslims radical terrorist, waiting to strike at Western culture? We have been conditioned to believe that "Stereotyping" is wrong. Yet, in order for stereotyping to have any validity it has to have some link to reality. Consider this: Some Irish drink too much, some Jews are thrifty, some Asian women drive poorly and some Negroes are lazy. The Stereotypes have SOME validity. But, is the stereotype that ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORIST, really true and not a stereotype at all?

Consider the recent shootings at Fort Hood. Evidence is slowly coming out that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had often commented against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He called these "Wars against Muslims". I'm also against these wars but my concern is different. I believe they are too expensive and only create more Muslim terrorist. But Major Hasan attempted to contact al Qaeda via the internet and studied with a radical Imam in Virginia. It seems clear that Major Hasan was conflicted about which side he was on in this fight. Several of Major Hasan's coworkers and clergy, questioned his beliefs but failed to report their concern. Why? They did not want to look like they were stereotyping all Muslims as Terrorist. They thought Major Hasan was "conflicted" but they never sounded the alarm because they did not want to look stupid. They did the politically correct thing and kept quiet.

Regardless of Major Hasan, the bigger question remains: Can we trust Muslims living among us? This situation is far more serious in Europe. 20% of the population of Europe is Muslim. Muslims make up the "service class" in Europe the way Hispanics workers do in America. It is little wonder that America has limited support from Europe in the War effort. Europeans are afraid that the nanny or waiter might be a terrorist and turn on them.

They may be right. I think we should consider all Muslims guilty until proven innocent. Ya, I know this sounds bad. During World War Two, America took a similar position against Japanese and German Americans. Today we say that was wrong. Regardless, this suspicion helped to contain spying and acts of sabotage. I am not suggesting that we create internment camps or harass Muslims in America. All I'm saying is that the US Army made a big mistake. They believed stereotyping was wrong, gave a Muslim a chance and promoted him. Today we know Major Hasan was at the least conflicted and may have been a terrorist all along. Let's learn from this military mistake and trust our own judgments about the Muslims around us. If you think something is funny or just not right, don't second guess yourself. Forget about the "Politically Correct" thing to say and do. Question the actions of those who do not support Western Values and if necessary call the police regarding questionable behavior among Muslims. Sometimes simple folk wisdom is better than being politically correct. If it quacks like a duck.....called it a duck.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


On the road again.............. in Seattle for one night. I really hate being away. They call it separation anxiety. It just makes me feel ill. I went to the Bar for dinner. Three shots of Irish Whiskey helps but then...Pam called.

Yes, I am at the bar with other crazy people watching the World Series. I also had dinner.

My road trip is soooo much better now that I have my new Acer Netbook. It's smaller than a laptop and perfect for travel. If you are thinking about a new computer, think about the netbooks.

Friday I fly back home. Feels like I have been gone a month. Nice to have Acer along to keep me company.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


It was 1968, nearly 40 years ago and a different War. Greg and I made 3X5 cards that said "BOMB HANOI" and posted them on the college bulletin boards. The War in Vietnam was stalled and going nowhere. Now Amerika is fighting another stupid winless war with no clear goals and no hope of ending. Seems like we keep making the same mistakes.

Just to be real clear about me. I come from a military family. My father landed on the beach at Okinawa. He was a First Sergeant. I grew up understanding the role of a strong military and believe in killing bad guys. Dad bought me a gun for my twelfth birthday. It's in the closet down the hall. I plan to give it to Jack.

Afghanistan is not our fight. Afghanistan did not attack Amerika and we have no business invading or occupying their country. The British Army could not defeat the Afghans. The Russians could not win in Afghanistan. After eight years of fighting, we have chased the bad guys to Pakistan and have little or no hope of winning. It's time to stop spending our money on a winless war and bring the troops home.

You may see and hear all kinds of stupid nonsense about the War in Afghanistan. But remember this:

· On 9/11 we were attacked by Al Qaida, not Afghanistan or the Taliban
· The 9/11 attackers were Saudi Citizens in America on legal Visas
· The 9/11 attackers went through airport security and passed the screening
· The current War in Afghanistan is costing a Billion dollars a month to taxpayers

I believe we need to put America First by ending the War in Afghanistan and Iraq and improving US boarder protection. There is no real military security without financial security and we are over spending on the War. Likewise we are over spending on the War on Drugs and the TSA. We need to rethink a cheaper smarter America First security policy. The War in Afghanistan is a waste of taxpayer money and Military lives.

Monday, October 26, 2009


The Big Mac, a symbol of American influence, is sold in over 120 countries. Today I read it is over in Iceland. The McDonald's owner in Iceland has had to close because of the current economic crisis. Iceland has been hit much worse than America by the Banking Failure. Its economy nearly collapsed. The devaluation of the Icelandic Krona pushed the real cost of the Big Mac to $6.36. Almost as high as Norway at $7.00 for the Big Mac.

I decided to look up the 2008 Big Mac Index. This is the Economist Magazine Index of the cost of the Big Mac around the world. They began this a few years ago to study currency devaluation and market forces. I know it seems silly but it's all about supply and Pam would say, "that's what she said." The Big Mac index is really pretty interesting. Here is a link to the 2008 version:

There are really two Indexes [indices?] One is the cost by country and the exchange rate. The other is the time spent working by persons in the country so as to pay for the Big Mac. Seems like even with the entire financial crisis we still have a good deal here in America.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My friend John has a point.............

My friend, John Chellemi, and I had a spirited discussion last Friday night. John was drinking Sierra Nevada and I was drinking Tullamore Dew. We attempted to resolve America's foreign and domestic problems during and after dinner. John's son, Jack, and my wife, Pam were just about fed up with the both of us. Pam kept saying we were yelling. I don't think it was really yelling, just spirited discussion.

John is a contractor and spends some of his time riding in his truck listening to talk radio. This has given John the opinion that America is a mess and it is all because of illegal Immigrants, Obama, or liberals. These are the BIG THREE in the on-going right wing talk radio list of things to bash. I will try to list a few of John's points for consideration:

Illegal immigrants are draining this country because they use services and do not pay taxes. They send their kids to schools but don't pay property taxes, they go to the emergency room but the tax payers, like John, have to pay the bills. My point was that illegal immigrants DO pay taxes. They pay sales tax just like everyone else. They rent apartments and part of their rent goes to pay property tax. They buy gasoline and pay fuel taxes. And, many of these illegals use fake social security numbers to find work. Their employer with holds taxes and because the numbers are fake, they cannot file for a tax return. Illegal's pay Taxes, just like everyone else.

John thinks we need to win the war in Afghanistan. I think we need to follow the golden rule of do unto others as you want done to you. We do not want to be invaded and should not be invading other countries. The war in Afghanistan is UNWINNABLE and cost far too much. We need to bring the troops home and secure America. I suggested they be reassigned to the Mexican border to stop Illegal immigrants. John agreed that might help but he doesn't want us to give up in Afghanistan. He points out that "those people attacked us on 9/11." In fact the attackers were Saudi citizens and NOT Afghans.

John thinks health care reform can only take place after tort reform. John feels that too many people sue Doctors and Nurses and that these law suits drive up healthcare cost. He may be right. Regardless, do you want to be able to sue the doctor who amputates the wrong leg? I think we need some form of Universal Healthcare as a safety net for the poor. We currently pay these costs for uninsured patients in our Health Insurance premiums.

The bigger questions we need to decide are these: What do we want government to do for us? How do we want to pay for it?

The current $1.8 Trillion deficit and the decline of the value of the dollar will force these discussions and decisions over the next two years. These are not going to be easy times. I'm looking forward to a time when everyone is as smart as John and can discuss these options and alternatives as well as John. Thanks John, come back again soon.

Friday, October 9, 2009


The graph shows Krugerrand pricing over the last five years. It means if you bought one Krugerrand in 2004 for $450 it would be worth $1089 today....just five years later. This is a 142% increase over five years.

The only reason for this incredible change is the shrinking value of the US Dollar. Gold and Krugerrands do not change in value. The only change is in the value of the currency used to buy gold.

Nearly two years ago I predicted this continued decline of the US Dollar as a result of the coming housing crisis. It is painful to say, I was right and the buying of gold is your only way to hedge against the current financial mess. Money in the bank is earning about 1% interest. Money in housing is earning negative interest. In 2010 and beyond you can expect that the dollar price of gold will creep up to $1500 an ounce. It would increase higher and faster but the demand for gold among jewelry makers has declined due to recession. You can see the price in the last 18 months has been stalled at or near $1,000. Again this is due to reduced demand for jewelry.

Don't say I didn't warn you. Buy now if you want to hold on to the value of the dollars you have.


Wow. I think the only people more surprised than me were Barrack Obama and Osama Bin Laden.

The Nobel Peace Prize is kind of a big deal. It has also been widely criticized. Mahatma Gandhi, perhaps the leading pacifist of all times, was nominated five times for the Nobel Peace prize. In 1948, the year Gandhi was assassinated, the Nobel committee did not give a Peace Prize. Clearly the Nobel Committee has made misjudgments in the past.

Obama really hasn't done much of anything, except talk. He is quite good at talking and creating a vision for the future. Bill Clinton was the only other President who was really good at talking. The prize seems to mean that the Nobel committee is hoping Obama can deliver on some of his talk. Many of us in America are hoping he can't, or at the least we don't want to have to pay for his "change." The one clear opportunity for Obama is to end the War in Afghanistan. It is unwinnable and after eight years it is costing us too much.

I 'hope' Barrack Obama sees the Nobel Peace Prize as his chance to end the War and save taxpayers a few billion dollars, when we need it most. Thanks Nobel Committee, this might just make up for your screw up with Gandhi.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Our recent trip to Orlando was an eye opener in more ways than one.

First, I have never seen so many fat people in one place. I read all about the growing problem of obesity in America but I just had no idea how bad the situation really was. Fat is out of control.

Second, people are so fat that they can not walk. Disney World is a place where walking is sort of required. Forget about it. Fat people who have reached the point of no return have given up all hope and moved in MASS to electric carts. The status symbol of the RICH FAT is to own your own electric cart to haul you around. Between baby strollers and electric wheel chairs of all varieties, it was nearly impossible to walk at Disney World.

Third, Fat people are even less atractive when it is over 90 degrees. It was hot and waiting in lines for a 30 second ride was not much fun. It was made worse by the sweat running off the fat people in line. There were puddles of sweat in the ground from fat people waiting to get on rides.

Finally, I have always been BIG and in the last five years I have gained weight, but this trip to Disney World has put me on a mission. I am going to drop this extra weight or move to a trailer in Alabama trying.

POT for $ALE

I read today that the Federal Government will have a $1.4 Trillion dollar deficit in 2010. California has been "running on empty" for over a year by borrowing money and playing with the state budget. The interesting thing was that next to the article about the deficit, was this article about Marijuana legalization. It seems like a new source of tax revenue is waiting just around the corner.

SAN FRANCISCO — Marijuana advocates are gathering signatures to get at least three pot-legalization measures on the ballot in 2010 in California, setting up what could be a groundbreaking clash with the federal government over U.S. drug policy.

At least one poll shows voters would support lifting the pot prohibition, which would make the state of 40 million the first in the nation to legalize marijuana. Such action would also send the state into a headlong conflict with the U.S. government while raising questions about how federal law enforcement could enforce its drug laws in the face of a massive government-sanctioned pot industry.

The state already has a thriving marijuana trade, thanks to a first-of-its-kind 1996 ballot measure that allowed people to smoke pot for medical purposes. But full legalization could turn medical marijuana dispensaries into all-purpose pot stores, and the open sale of joints could become commonplace on mom-and-pop liquor store counters in liberal locales like Oakland and Santa Cruz.

You may say.....NO! Ha, remember when gambling was illegal? Way back in 1970 the only legal gambling was done in Las Vegas. Slowly it crept into nearly every state via some loop hole in the law. It came either as "River Boat Gambling" or "Indian Casinos". Regardless, today Gambling is paying taxes in nearly every state and I think Pot is just around the corner.

You may not realize it but the same government that is nearly broke and owned by China with a $1.4 Trillion dollar deficit is still trying to legislate morality. It doesn't work and it is far too expensive. As I have said repeatedly.....We have lost the war on drugs. Everyone who wants to get high, is getting high now. It's time to stop kidding ourselves and make Pot legal and taxable. We really need the money here in the USA as opposed to sending it to Mexico.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Our number one priority as a Nation should be to create Economic strength. Our Nation's proud history in the 19th and 20th centuries was a result of building wealth. Our future depends on our ability to reclaim this economic strength before China, Russia or India surpasses us.

To achieve this Economic Strength we need to cut Federal and State cost and reduce taxes. This means we need to support this 8 step plan:

Ending expensive foreign wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. These wars are not winnable and they are much too expensive. Regardless of the potential for Terror, massive military invasion and deployment will not stop fanatics and it is far too costly.

Ending US Military occupation in foreign countries. We still have troops in Germany and Japan from the 1940s. We need to bring these troops and their cost home to America.

Ending expensive financial aid to foreign countries including Israel, Latin America, and Africa. No amount of spending can buy us friends or change basic conditions which cause poverty or regional wars. We need to stop spending our money trying to pay off people who do not support our values.

Ending the domestic War on Drugs and Decriminalizing simple drug possession. Everyone who wants to get high is getting high and the costly war on drugs is a failure. We need to educate the population against drug use and decriminalize minor possession to lower police and jail cost.

Reducing domestic TSA cost through "Smart" ID programs for citizens. We have heard for years that the "government" can tack us through cell phone and credit card use. Why don't we put this to good use and reduce TSA search cost to people who are "Unknown" to our data base.

Passing Federal and State Balance Budget legislation. We cannot spend more than we earn as a family or a government. Each of us knows this is wrong and we need to stop.

Passing term limits for Federal and State elected officials. Representative government should not be a career choice. We do not need "Professional Politicians" the original Constitutional plan was for citizens to be selected to represent their states and districts. We need to end the Political Class in America.

Passing Federal and State "Flat tax" reform to end Income Tax. Leaving more money in the hands of citizens will lead to better investment and spending. This will create jobs and National wealth.

Our goals should be simple flat taxation, reduced government spending, security at home, and a balanced budget. The outcome will be increase investment, wealth, employment, and a higher standard of living. In short a return to America First. The current single party "Demopublican" political system does not have a candidate who will support these critical and necessary changes. We need a new system with a focus on Leadership and decision making.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Last night I, like many Americans, watched the President speak about Healthcare. As he looked into the camera it was clear that his speech was to the American voters, not to Congress. Today, several news sources are reporting how America felt about the speech and the Healthcare issue. I'm not trying to make a point about Healthcare. I am in favor of universal care but not in favor of paying for people who smoke and over eat to contribute to their own high cost of care. But, that is a different issue. I'm writing today about the end of Representative Government.

You want to save money, eliminate Representative Government. Walk with me back a few years to 1776. Back then there was no TV, internet, or Twitter. My Blog was written on parchment back then and posted in the town square. Government could not reflect the views of the citizens without one person, The Representative, going to Washington to vote on our behalf. It made sense. The concept of one man one vote really came down to one person voting for his state or district. Bu t things have changed.

Today, we can vote for the American Idol with our mobile phones. We do online banking and I post my Blog on the internet. No need to walk all the way down to the Square and hang up my sheet of parchment. So, why do we need some FAT CAT blow hard politician going to Washington to vote for us? The answer: WE DON'T! For the last 25 years everyone in Politics has been following Polling numbers. They already know who will win the elections before we finish voting. There is no current need for a Representative to go to Washington to vote for us. We could do our own voting on our mobile phones while the President is speaking.

Think of it. Ryan Seacrest walks out after the President's speech and says: "All of you in favor of national Healthcare can text 666 on your cell phones now. Those of you opposed can text 000 now." The money saved by not paying for Congress could balance the budget.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Col. Nathan R. Jessep, [Jack Nicholson] in a Few Good Men summed up the critical difference in the way we think about National Security.

"Son, we live in a world that has walls and those walls need to be guarded by men with guns. .... You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall."

The recent investigation into CIA interrogation techniques following the 9/11 attack has me confused. Have we had a second attack? Do you want these people stopped or not?

The simple fact is we live in a nation that makes up the rules as we go along. We came here 250 years ago from Europe out of hope and greed. We stole the land from the people who lived here. We killed most of the original natives and then rounded up those who fought back into "Reservations". They were really concentration camps. We, our ancestors, called this all, "Manifest Destiny." It was our god given right to take this land and make it better.

Our history in Europe, and later in America, is clear. We are the civilization that has taken control of the world. Many serious people before us made tough decisions that have led to the way of life we lead today. It is not perfect, but it is better than any known alternative. Ask yourself; Would I rather live in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, or Afghanistan? Our culture and civilization is in conflict with that of the radical Muslim world. Like we did to the Lakota Sioux, and Apache, we need to stamp out this enemy before they destroy our homes. It is a hard decision and we need tough people to carry out the dirty business. We do not need to second guess the people who are keeping us safe or chasing down the terrorist. We may not like the way they work, but we all like our way of life and want it to continue.

Threatening to prosecute the CIA Agents who interrogated these terrorist is just plain crazy. Do you want these people bombing the mall near your home? Look at Israel. If we do not stop this now, it will become much worse and we need all the tough guys on our side....not in jail.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dodgers Cardinals 8-18-09

My entire life I have listened to or watched baseball. My Dad loved the game and like many kids who grew up in the depression, it was his escape from the dull life of poverty. He and his brothers played "ball" almost everyday and listened to the games on radio.

As a kid in the 50s I can remember living in Alaska, Dad was in the Air Force and we lived in Anchorage. We listened to the "ball games". Either, the Dodgers or the Cardinals were the favorites. Both had been Managed by Branch Rickey, the Best Manager to ever lead a team. Branch Rickey led the Cardinals from 1919 to 1942. He was the Manager as my Dad grew up listening to the Cardinals. In 1943, Rickey moved to Manage the Dodgers.

Tonight, Jack, Pam and I are going to the Dodger Game. They are playing the Cardinals in Los Angeles. Vin Sculley said last night that these two teams have played each other over 1,800 times in the last 100 years. In all that time, they are about even with both winning about 900 games. Branch Rickey must be smiling.

The Dodgers are Managed by Joe Torre. He grew up in Brooklyn, the home of the Dodgers. He is one of the only players to have played for three teams and then Managed those teams. He was a Cardinal player in the 1960s and he Managed the Cardinals in the 1990s. The Cardinals are Managed by Tony Larussa. He, like Branch Rickey, is a lawyer who said, "I would rather ride the minor league bus than to ever step into a court room." Tony Larussa speaks fluent Spanish.

It should be a good game. Dad and Branch Rickey will be watching with Jack, Pam and me.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Healthcare Debate

I have listened to the current debate about Healthcare. Clearly, some type of action needs to be taken. 40 years ago this same debate was going on with dismal forecasts about the future of Healthcare in the 21st Century.

The future has arrived and in 40 years of debate, not much has been done. I honestly thought that the AMA would have done the long term research and come up with a viable alternative acceptable to the Health Delivery community. Clearly,the Liberals have been focused on Healthcare since Hillary suggested Universal Care back in the 90's.

With 40 years and the best boom times in the history of mankind, why haven't we solved this problem?

I guess the main reason is that so many people have gotten rich in the Health delivery business. Drug companies, equipment companies, insurance companies and Healthcare workers have all done pretty well over the last 40 years. This high profit incentive has helped to create one of the best Healthcare systems in the World. The problem is, it only works for those you can afford it. Many, far too many, can not afford quality Healthcare.

The second question: Is Heathcare a right? Should people expect high quality Healthcare? Maybe the answer is found in other similar questions. Do people have a right to high quality food, or housing, or education? In general, we have said YES, but only if you can afford it.

It's a tough world and the harsh reality is that you are only "entitled" to what you can afford. Dad used to say, "piss poor planning predicates poor performance." If you made poor career choices and have little or no education, maybe you can't afford high quality Healthcare, housing or food. Wow, that is a hard listen, but it maybe reality.

So, yes I want everyone to have quality Healthcare, but I have planned and worked hard to care for myself and my family. I just can not afford to pay for other people who have not planned and do not have the resources to afford Quality. No matter how you look at it, we are faced with a two tier system. One that continues to offer excellent high quality care for those who can afford it and one that offers minimal care for those dependent on government. Helathcare it seems, is like public housing and food stamps.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


It has been years but thanks to our new friend, the Internet, I am back in touch with my niece. I am not listing her name because she has asked to keep our reconnection private. No Drama. I was on Facebook and the computer asked if I wanted to be "friends" with a person who knows some of the people I know. Turns out it was my niece. Thanks Facebook for reconnecting long lost family. Now if I could get reconnected to Kate and Jennifer things would be much better. I'm on Facebook and Twitter if you are looking for me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

X5 Pam's Batmobile

We bought a new car. It is the direct opposite of the Chevy Volt.

I had a Mercedes ML 320 for about seven years. It was good but there were some problems with the windows and the transmission. After tons of research, we decided on a BMW X3. It was the right size and got good mileage. In January of 2008 we leased a new X3 and loved it. It was the Eco Friendly SUV for the 21st Century.

Slowly we became less than thrilled. The X3 was not quite as fast as Pam liked. It also was a little too small inside when we had grown ups in the back seat. Yes, it got good mileage but it wasn't a Range Rover Sport or and X5.

So we caught car envy. We would be driving and an X5 would blow past us. Pam would look at me. I felt like I had failed to provide the rock ship car she wanted. The news said car dealers were hurting. So, we went to BMW to trade our X3 for a new X5. What a disappointment. All the cars on the lot were bloated over prices show boats. Running boards. Rear seat DVD. Navigation systems, like I can't find the grocery store or target. Many had the "new Diesel engine." Ugh! They were all $70K+ and it would take over $15,000 to lease a car for $1,000 a month. No way.

We went home. We planned to just be happy with the X3. Then Roger told me about his new car. He bought it from Carmax. Yes, it was "used" but it had very low mileage and it looked brand new. It was an Audi A6 that was leased and turned in after one year. I searched the Carmax site and found a year old BMW X5 with 12,000 miles for $48,000. This was a huge saving over the new X5 and it did not have all the silly extras. No running boards.

We went to drive it a week ago. It has a 4.8 liter V8 with 350 horsepower. It really goes. It also has third row seats and mush more interior room. So, we traded the X3 for the new "Batmobile" X5. It is Anthracite Black Metallic with black leather. Just like Batman would have on the Batmobile. Pam drives it like she stole it. On the way home from Carmax she hit 110 on the toll road. There is a read out on the dash that tells average miles per gallon. She is currently getting 16. This is a high, up from her original 12.

So much for Eco Friendly.


I have been wrong before. I repeatedly said the iPhone was a gimmick and that Obama could never be elected. Both turned out much better than I had expected. Now I want to discuss the Electric Car. Chevy's new Volt [aka "Dolt"] makes me wonder about collective intelligence. They have shown this car for over two years and keep telling us it is "coming". Coming when? And, who really cares?

Like the original iPhone, the Volt is just a gimmick. They said yesterday that it gets 230 miles per gallon. Ya, it's a plug in electric car. Tell us what it will do for your home electric bill. Here in Kalifornia, we have repeatedly had summer hot spells with rolling Black-Outs of electricity. Everywhere they are telling us to use less electricity by "Flexing our Power". Then the very next commercial is telling us to buy plug in electric cars? Huh? Do these tree hugging Green Peace Hippies talk to each other? The ones trying to cut electricity use need to tell the electric cars guys....there ain't no electricity to run air conditioners and dryers. Why would we add to the load the recharging of cars?

Everyone says the answer is wind energy. Out in Palm Springs they have miles of wind mills designed to generate electricity. I have never seen half of these things working at any one time. Are they shut off? Why are we "Flexing our Power" if they aren't even running all the wind mills now? I just don't understand how all this clean power and eco friendly future is going to work. I'm setting my air conditioner to 78 on hot days and they are telling me to buy electric cars?

Finally, let's say everyone does buy electric cars. I will be the very last person in line. How does this help the need for oil to fly airplanes and fuel trucks? Is some genius working on the plug in all electric airplanes?

Monday, August 3, 2009

How long?

The recent arrest of Henry Louis Gates upset me. No, not because he was arrested or because of the Police Officer was white. What upset me was the reaction among Blacks in America. Including our President.

I want to jump ahead to the big question that nobody seems willing to ask: WHEN WILL BLACK AMERICA BE READY TO LET THE PAST GO AND MOVE ON?

My family never owned a slave. We were Irish and too poor to own shoes. My family came to America in the 1890s and struggled to survive. Our story is just as heart breaking as many others about poverty and family. My mother learned from her mother to hate the English. She told me Ireland had been at war with England for 400 years. When asked if she would like I drink, she would ask for that "Irish Whine." Then say, "We wish the English would go home." So, being Irish, I can understand how people would hold a grudge. Still, even the Irish seemed to have come to some peace with the Occupation.

Why after over 150 years and the end of slavery, with a Black President, are Blacks still "outraged"? Will there ever be a day when their issues won't be about being black? Can you see a in the far distant future, when a white cop arrests a black professor and the media says....the guy was an asshole and deserved it?

How long must we listen to this "outrage"? Hasn't America, most of whom never did anything to a Black person, listened to this whining long enough? If Black America wants to be treated equal they only need to stop crying. Everyone else has a long sad history too. The Jews, no walk in the park. The Mexicans, we stole California and Texas. The Chinese, worked to death building the railroads, and the Irish....England still owns the Northern corner of our island.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Time to rethink Pot

I read this article below as part of a Billion dollar pot bust this week in California.
"The federal government is not going to pull back on its efforts to curtail marijuana farming operations, Gil Kerlikowske, director of the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy, said Wednesday in Fresno.
The nation's drug czar, who viewed a foothill marijuana farm on U.S. Forest Service land with state and local officials earlier Wednesday, said the federal government will not support legalizing marijuana."Legalization is not in the president's vocabulary, and it's not in mine," he said."
Do you think a federal or state government with over a trillion dollars of debit can ignore the tax potential of legalization and tax on marijuana? I don't.
California has moved quietly into this opportunity by taxing the sale of marijuana at "medical marijuana stores." Nearly everyone knows these stores are really the first steps toward legalization. Anyone who wants to buy marijuana, can walk in and claim some problem only to have an on-site physician write a prescription.
I think it is time for us to decide what our priorities are with regard to government at the Federal, State, and City level. We need to stop funding the silly war on drugs. We lost that battle 30 years ago. Anyone who wants to get high is getting all the drugs they want.
It makes no sense to me that we watch TV and see dozens of Drug ads for erectile dysfunction and other made up new age diseases while we still pay billions to fight marijuana. We could reduce the national debit by stopping the war on drugs and taxing marijuana consumption, just as we do alcohol and tobacco.

The FLU....deja vu all over again

On the cold afternoon of February 5, 1976, an Army recruit told his drill instructor at Fort Dix that he felt tired and weak but not sick enough to see military medics or skip a big training hike.Within 24 hours, 19-year-old Pvt. David Lewis of Ashley Falls, Mass., was dead, killed by an influenza not seen since the plague of 1918-19, which took 500,000 American lives and 20 million worldwide. Two weeks after the recruit's death, health officials disclosed to America that something called "swine flu" had killed Lewis and hospitalized four of his fellow soldiers at the Army base in Burlington County.
Brother, here we go again. The old story holds true; if you live long enough you get to see things a second time.
I am opposed to any and all flu vaccines. In my opinion they represent a weakening of the human specie. It's a slippery slope. Once you begin mass vaccinations for flu the population will only become weaker and more vulnerable. Yes, I know others do not agree. I also have heard all the fear of the great flu of 1918. Regardless, you need to practice good hygiene and if you get sick...stay home and get better. This new round of Swine Flu will likely turn out like it did in 1976....a big joke, much like Y2K.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Onion

It was an interview. My Plan to find new salespeople in Central Illinois had turned up a few prospects. One was a waitress / hostess in Champaign who also happened to be from Belleville.

I was to meet Bob Splan at a Restaurant in Champaign, called the Bermuda Onion. It was a nice day, July 13, in St Louis and I drove to Champaign with the top down. I wore shorts. What the heck, it wasn't me being interviewed....or was it?

Bob and I met and briefly talked waiting for the candidate to show up. She did, limping with a broken toe. We explained the position, selling food to restaurants. She had worked as a waitress and understood the business. But then, somewhere around discussing sales goals, the conversation took a hard left and went off road.

We began to discuss music and the upcoming Grateful Dead Concert in St Louis. No I wasn't going. My favorite band was the Gin Blossoms. Then she said, they played in Urbana and she saw them and like lighting, I was struck. Blam. It all began to flow, so easy and so similar. We really did have a lot in common. She had Linda Emigg for her teacher at Wolf Branch. This was the beginning of my life with Pam.

It was today. Fifteen years ago and a million miles away in Urbana, Illinois. The rest has been history and wonderful. I love you Pam, more today then ever. Thanks for 15 wonderful years and for believing in me when nobody else did. Thanks for Jack and the Swiss Army watch.

"...if you don't expect too much from me you might not be let down."

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The London SUN

Just a quick follow up to my Blog about the Michael Jackson Cry Fest.

The London Sun had some things to say about it also:

Click and go read the article 'Memorial like a macabre circus' . It hits the nail on the head.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


As a father, I have to say I do not miss this pedophile who overdosed on pain killers. Regardless of the music, which always seemed simplistic and over produced, Michael Jackson is no "Star."

Here is what we know, and what is not discussed today at the NAACP Cry Fest in Los Angeles:

From the web site:

In 1993, a 13-year-old boy accused Michael Jackson of sexual molestation. Jackson had befriended the boy in 1992. Soon the boy became a regular guest at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch in Santa Ynez, California. Jackson gave the boy gifts and paid for several vacation trips around the world. In 1993, the boy started to spend the night at Jackson’s residence. This was not unusual as Jackson would often have children sleep over at his Neverland Ranch. According to the allegations, Jackson had kissed and fondled the boy while they were alone in bed. Allegedly, this repeatedly took place during a four-month period. At the suggestion of the boy’s father, a civil lawsuit was filed in 1993. Jackson denied the accusations. He continued to tour and make public appearances. The boy’s father talked to the Jackson camp about a financial settlement while the police continued their investigation. On January 25, 1994, Michael Jackson settled the civil lawsuit paying an undisclosed amount to his accuser. Many believe that he paid between 15 and 20 million dollars. After receiving the settlement, the boy refused to testify in any criminal matters. Therefore, the prosecution was not able to pursue a criminal case.

On September 3, 2004, "Dateline NBC" correspondent Josh Mankiewicz investigated allegations that more than one boy accused Michael Jackson of abuse in 1993, and how the case has been kept quiet until now. "Dateline NBC" learned what evidence authorities had against Michael Jackson, as well as details about the civil case against him that have remained sealed in the basement of the Los Angeles county courthouse for more than a decade. Jackson's accuser swore in a declaration filed in the civil suit against Jackson:

"Michael Jackson masturbated me many times both with his hand and with his mouth. Michael Jackson told me that I should not tell anyone what happened. He said this was a secret."

I may be alone in making this point. Regardless, I am glad that one less pedophile is gone. I wasn't invited to speak at the event in LA. My guess is my Irish background kept me off the list. Had I been there, I would have said, This was one sick kid who never grew up. He, and his parents should be ashamed.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

LANCE on Twitter

I signed up to follow Lance Armstrong on Twitter during the Tour de France. There are over 1,240,000 people following Lance on Twitter for the race. It should be really interesting over the next month.

Go to:

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Summer, the dog days are coming and for many in America it means a hot boring time. In Europe this was also true back in the summer of 1903. It was so hot and so slow that people in France were not buying newspapers. The paper [magazine] was L' Auto and the Editor was Henri Desgrange. He became the backer of the first Tour on July 1, 1903. His vision was a race, with daily updates, that would require the readers to buy his newspaper all through the month of July.

Today the Tour de France is a world class sports event. Like the Super Bowl, you do not need to know the details [of Bicycle Racing] to enjoy the show. It is 21 days of racing around France and the adjacent countries with an end in Paris. This year the race begins on July 4 in Monaco and will end on July 26 on the Champ Elysees in Paris. Lance Armstrong returns from retirement to race one more time in this legendary event. The entire race is covered LIVE for USA Cable viewers on Versus. Check your local listings. It starts daily about 13:00 GMT or around 5:00 AM on the West Coast. They replay the race each evening. The race covers about 100 miles per day and takes about 3 hours. The coverage is wonderful with beautiful aerial shots and roadside images of rural France. Thousands of international fans line the roads to watch.

As a kid, living in Germany, I remember the Tour de France and Rudi Altig's near win in 1962 and 1964. Nothing the Germans liked more than to beat the French at their own race. I came back to the US in 1964 and "bike riding" was not as cool in Minnesota as it was in Germany. My Dad saw the problem, and bought me my first motorcycle. What the kids in Austin called a "sickle" and I rode that to school. Still, the Tour de France as a great race, even if I had become too cool to follow it.

Along came Pam. Her affection for all things Europe and obscure led us to watching the Tour on Cable. Here is a photo of Pam and "Muffy the wonder dog" watching Lance win a stage. We promised Muffy we would go to the race....someday. In 2007 we took Meredith, Colleen, and little Jack to Europe. We rented a Mercedes Van and drove around chasing the Bicycles. It turned out to be much harder than we thought. Narrow roads that never run in straight lines. Small villages with cobble stones. Waiting for hours along the road. Then...swish. They pass at 35 miles per hour and they are gone. It's over, time to move on.

This year we will be watching from home. Take time to watch a few days if you turn on the TV and find there is "nothing on". Search around for Versus at about channel 363 and listen to Phil Ligget, Paul Sherwen and Bob Roll. These guys are the very best sports broadcasters regardless of the sport. Here is a link to Versus

Guetter le maillot jaune.

Friday, June 19, 2009


LEADERSHIP IS KEY. America, perhaps the world, is in crisis and it is all because of a lack of leadership. GM the once great car company is doomed. The global Banking is a mess. Look around and you will find dozens of examples of how people we trusted to manage and lead us have failed.

The core reason for all of this failure is the simple lie that Leadership and / or Management can be taught. It can not. All the Business School graduates on Wall Street could not predict or prevent the collapse of our financial system. They all went to Business School and they were taught how to "Lead" companies. In the end they failed.

Leadership is a trait you are born with. It can be developed and trained but it is much like throwing a 90 mile per hour fast ball: You either got it or you don't. No high school geek dumb ass who goes to Harvard Business School and gets paid $10 million a year to manage a company will be successful unless he was born with Leadership skills. If we have learned anything over the last five years as a global neighborhood it is this: Leadership is critical to human development.

So why the Leadership shortage? The main reason is the overwhelming push to make children and future leaders conform. Real leaders are not part of the herd. They are not sheep. They are wolves. They don't like to be told what to do and they are risk takers. Over the last 50 years America, and the world have worked hard to make everyone the same. To fit in. They have beaten or punished those who seek a different path. This has led to the stereo typical Business leaders we have today. Dull as flat black paint. No idea what is innovative or interesting. If you think I am over to any GM dealer and look at the cars. Brother. Or, try solving some problem at your bank. They are all sheep and nobody can make a decision.

We must encourage and support children who want to lead. We can not allow these traits to be brainwashed out of their little minds. Leadership is to valuable to have it squashed out of children for the sake of normalcy. We do not need the lowest common denominator running Banking or our Country.

Monday, June 15, 2009


We bought Grand Torino and I just loved it.

We don't go to the movies unless it is a movie Jack wants to see. I think I am taking him to Transformers next week. Jack did not mention Grand Tornio so we missed it at the Theatre. It came out this week on DVD and I bought it at Target.

Jack kept saying he wanted to watch it. "Daddy are there guns in this movie? I wanna watch it." So last night we watched it and Jack fell asleep. Not nearly enough action for him. Me, I cried at least three times. It was like having my Dad back for 90 minutes. Only my Dad was always great with me and Walt, in the movie, doesn't care for his sons.

My Dad didn't fight in Korea. He landed on the beach on Okinawa. But Dad never really liked the Japanese and he hated "jap cars". He was attacked by a Japanese soldier with a sword on Okinawa and Dad kill him. He brought his sword home. I still have it.

Dad taught me about being a father and made me the person I am today. He was tough. He told me he wasn't good at anything, except killing men and he was lucky the war came along when it did. He and Walt would have liked to sit on the front porch and talk to the dog.