The bigger questions that need answers are these:
- Why doesn't the Federal Government enforce the existing law?
- Why doesn't the Governor of Arizona send Arizona National Guard Troops to patrol the Arizona boarder with Mexico?
- Why do these illegal immigrants come to America?
EXAMPLE: Arizona cares about speeding on the Highway. They have hundreds of speed cameras set up on the interstate highways designed to catch speeders. Arizona has ZERO cameras or troops on the Mexican Border. If Illegal Immigration is so important, send troops to the border. Or better, send the Highway Patrol. They don't care or they would do something.
Second, George Bush tried to fix the Illegal Immigrations problem with a guest worker program. Nobody would support it. Why? Because we need cheap non union labor to run this country. The Hotel and Foodservice business in America depends on cheap labor. Construction likes cheap non union skilled labor. Agra-Business likes cheap farm workers and plant workers.
EXAMPLE: If we want to stop this problem. Business needs to pledge that it will not hire illegal workers. Has MacDonald's, Marriott, Tyson Foods, or Conagra come out to say this? NO!
Third, Hispanics come to America because of two things. California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas were all part of Mexico until we stole the land. Europeans moved into this land and then voted to become part of the United States in 1848. This land was originally Mexico. Most of it looks like Mexico. Many of the local families can trace their ancestors back prior to it being the United States.
In 1942 America was at War and we needed cheap labor to help with Farming. Most able bodied men were in the Army fighting. So we began the Bacero Program with Mexico. This was an approved Guest worker program that did not end until 1967. For over twenty years we had an official program with Mexico to import cheap labor into the United States.
EXAMPLE: Families in Mexico grew up sending relatives to the United States to work in the Bacero Program. Many later settled in the original Mexican areas of Texas, Arizona, and California. Now we say they should not be here after we asked them to come for over twenty years to help us.
Who would you like to do the non skilled service work in America? Landscaping, farm work, cooking food, making beds in hotels. In Europe it is done by Muslims from Turkey, Pakistan, and Morocco. The truth is we are too far into this situation to turn back. America wants and needs these workers and the current talk is designed to get votes this fall. Don't be fooled by talk radio. Real Conservatives can think for themselves.