Since 9-11-2001 we have spent a "Ka-zillion dollars" fighting terror. We are strip searched at the airport, Disneyland, and Baseball games. We are told there are secret "NO FLY" list and every passenger is screened prior to coming into America. Our mobile phones are tapped and email is scanned by the government. You have heard all of this bull shit for years.
In spite of the money and time spent on counter terrorism, these three [and hundreds more] have traveled to terrorist camps, sent emails to terrorist leaders, flown into the US, and become US citizens. They could not be more obvious. The Major on the right repeatedly expressed anti-American and anti military comments while in the Army. NOTHING was done. He was issued a gun and allowed to continue to serve. He went on to kill people.
We need to face facts: Our government is not capable of fighting terror while they continue to want to be seen as politically correct. Obvious terror suspects are not being watched. The latest Times Square Bomber was an idiot. Still, it was a "Tee Shirt Vendor" who pointed out the car bomb to police. No FBI or Homeland Security personnel were even watching this guy. He flew to Pakistan several times. He brought over $18,000 in cash back to the US. It could not be more clear that he should be watched.
My point is, these guys are stupid and poorly trained. Still they were not watched or prevented from acting. The really good terrorist, who are planning to blow up the Superbowl or White House are not going to get caught. Our government can not catch a Muslim Major in the Army who is emailing terrorist leaders and saying anti American crap. They could not stop a guy in New York who tried to blow up a car bomb with fireworks and left his keys in the car. He almost got away on an airplane.
Each of us need to be more like the "Tee Shirt Vendor" in Times Square. We need to watch out for our selves and our families. Sooner or later one of these nuts is going to blow up a shopping mall and we need to be prepared. Our government can not protect us from these guys. Watch what goes on around you. Know where the exits are located. Learn first aid. There is a day coming when you will need to know how to save your own life.
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