In an odd way, I enjoyed the recent Wiki Leaks because they show me that BIG Government is not as stupid as it appears.
In the past, every time there is an international crisis, like the recent shelling by North Korea, I waited to see the reaction by BIG Government. Over the last fifty years Amerika, through BIG Government, has repeatedly been on the "wrong" side of international issues. Amerika supported numerous dictators going back to Batista in Cuba. In almost every case these were bad guys who exploited their citizens. In my view our support was always at odds with our founding principles. Doesn't Amerika stand for self determination and popular democracy? Why did we always side with the minor league "Hitler" clones? Vietnam, Iran, Panama, the list is long and completely stupid from my point of view.
Now, along comes Wiki Leaks and we discover that our leaders have better sense than we thought. Our elected leaders seem to see many of these foreign politicians as the dolts they really are. I am especially pleased to see that Hillary Clinton is asking the right questions and directing the State Department like General Patton.
Yes, I know the Wiki Leaks are terrible and they are embarrassing etc. But really, isn't it good to know our leaders are not as dumb as they appear?