In George Orwell's fictional, but all too true book, 1984, he exclaims that "Big Brother is Watching You". It all sounded so silly in 1948. Constant surveillance by "telescreens". Only a member of the lunatic fringe could come up with such nonsense.
Jump forward 60+ years to now. Does it seem so crazy that BIG BROTHER aka Big Government is watching you? My guess is they are watching everyone, or will be in the next five years. The current extensive body search and scanners at airports are justified for the sake of safety. This is a slippery slope and Al Qaida knows it. By creating the potential for a threat, Al Qaida has discovered the weakness in Democracy.
The reasoning goes something like this: If a threat exists to the population, it is Big Government's job to protect us. In protecting us, any and all measures are acceptable.
Sounds crazy but it all began with Motorcycle Helmet and Seat Belt Laws. Big Government could not get the stupid population, US, to understand we were in danger. So, they passed laws demanding that we wear Motorcycle Helmets and Seat Belts. A few free thinkers cried foul but the masses said..."If it makes us safer, I guess it's a good idea." This was just a short intellectual walk in Big Government Thinking to the TSA and current searches.
The next steps will be made in much the same manner. Here is my vision of the future. There will be some terrorist event. My guess is the smart thing for Al Qaida to do is bomb a shopping mall. This will result in new full body searches at Malls across America and it will also damage retail sales. Then the TSA will begin to focus on people not at the Mall but begin random searches of people walking down the street. This will be justified by the need to PREVENT bombings and after all..."if it makes us safer....it must be OK" Not long after this, we will hear of random searches of people's homes. Again all in the name of safety. Nobody wants a bomb maker in their neighborhood.
The flaw in this thinking is that in the history of terror events, the TSA, and FBI have not PREVENTED any events. They have not caught anyone. They searched the 9/11 high jackers and allowed them to board planes. The Time Square Bomber was "caught' by a tee shirt salesman who called the police. Even the Fort Hood shooter, who was in the Army, was not prevented from acting by Big Government.
These searches and invasions on our civil rights do not catch Terrorist. Al Qaida knows this. They only want us to become the POLICE STATE we are today. In this way, they have won the war on terror and we did the work for them.
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