Friday, November 19, 2010


I have been working for 45 years. This year I became concerned that BIG Government would change "our Deal" on Social Security and decided to apply for early retirement. I wanted my name on the list before they made any changes. My best guess is that my employers and I paid nearly $300,000 into Social Security over the last 45 years. Assuming even a jack ass could have invested this money; they had to have made an additional $25,000 in interest on the money. In my view the Government is holding $325,000 of my money, give or take twenty bucks or so.

Now we hear Social Security is going broke. BIG Government is considering an increase in the retirement age. It is currently at 66 years old. Seems OK to me but if they change the deal, it has to be with the new people coming into the system. Nobody 50 years old will be happy with any changes. The big question is why aren't ALL wages taxed for social security?

The current limit is $106,800. After you reach this annual earnings limit they stop taking Social Security out of your pay check. We always saw this as a yearend benefit or Bonus when we reached this limit and had the extra 6% in take home income. But, when you think about it, this doesn't seem fair. Shouldn't all income be taxed for Social Security?

Nobody seems to be discussing this subject. Not President Urkel or Ron Paul. If every dollar of earnings were taxed for Social Security, maybe the program would not be in such bad shape. BIG Government doesn't seem to know how to do the logical things that make sense to most Americans.

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