I have friends who think Facebook is stupid. When I have asked them..."are you on facebook?" they say rude things. One friend told me that facebook was for kids. Another told me that facebook was for people with no life. John told me to, "fuck facebook." How nice was that?
I think facebook is a tool. I have told all of them that when Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1439, 98% of Europe was illiterate. In my view, there is a direct link between the invention of the printing press and the American, French, and Russian revolutions. Gutenberg made it possible to share ideas. These ideas, some of which may be silly, led to enlightenment and democracy. Likewise, facebook is a tool. Young girls can talk about boys at high school and Egyptians can use it to change their country. It is just a tool for social interaction.
So, because I think facebook is powerful, I saw the movie "the social network". The movie was equally powerful. It explains how a person with an idea can change the world. It also shows a clear distinction between the two key ways to develop a business. I need to tell you that I identify with Mark Zuckerberg. I feel his pain as Bill Clinton would say. I know what it is like to say the wrong thing when I believe it is the truth, and have everyone around me upset. I know what it is like to be driven and obsessive about silly little things. I also know what it is like to work at odds with the "system". Mark Zuckerberg is everyman. Likewise the brothers Winkelvoss represent the establishment. They are the suits.
I was amazed that the "Winkelvi" never considered a formal agreement necessary with Mark Zuckerberg. Likewise they did not ask him to sign a confidentiality agreement. These are smart guys from a rich family who went to Harvard. Were they really that stupid? If you have a good idea.....protect yourself...duh? Or, maybe it wasn't their idea after all. I was very pleased when Zuckerberg said, "you can stand on my shoulders and pretend you are tall."
Business is really developed by the guy with a good idea. The suits can take an idea by stealing it or buying it, and build it into something bigger, but they almost never create it. The big companies I have work with were good at having meetings but really bad at creating value. I loved the movie the social network because it was a movie about the guy with an idea and his vision for its development. I really hate to think what facebook or the Harvard Connection would have been like under the direction of the Winkelvoss brothers. In the end business is really summed up as the Zuckerbergs versus the Winkelvi. Gutenberg would be happy.