We keep hearing that government spending is out of control. Something really needs to be done. Congress and President Urkel seem reluctant to make the critical cuts needed to get spending in line with tax revenue. I think over spending is our number one national security issue.
For all the talk about cutting spending nobody seems willing to discuss the money spent on National Defense or Social Security. You can cut Amtrak and NASA to the bone but the real cost of BIG GOVERNMENT is in Defense and Social Security. I have a couple of suggestions which I have written about numerous times in the past....long before this issue boiled up to the top. First, we need to end these Wars in Iraq and Effenstan [That's my way of saying f'ing Afghanistan]. Second, we need to pay Social Security tax on ALL earnings. Today Americans only pay Social Security tax on the first $106,800 earned each year. This means that everyone earning OVER this amount stops paying Social Security tax once they earn $106,800 in the calendar year. All of Wall Street and 99.9% of all CEOs earn more than $106,000 per year.
Regarding the Wars, how long does this need to continue? We spend billions per day on these wastes of time countries chasing so called terrorist who have long ago moved to Pakistan or Yemen. It's well past time to end this farce and cut the cost of killing low level rag head soldiers. The recent revolution in Egypt proves that there are other Arabs out there who want a better life and we need to support them. Our Wars in Arab / Muslim countries send a bad message about Amerika, and they cost too much. The troops must be tired of this never ending mess. Let's stop the War.
Regarding Social Security, I'm in favor of us having a national safety net for old people like me. The system was set up a long time ago and it needs to be revisited. The idea of people NOT paying into social security who earn over $106,800 per year seems crazy given the lack of funding for the program. This is an easy fix and the right thing to do.
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