I knew things would not be what I expected when Christina Aguilera could not remember the words to the Star Spangled Banner. Next Year, let's ask Christina and Rosanne Barr to do a duet. Then came half time. As the Show began I thought the sound was off on my TV. I kept trying to find the music....I heard none. Then it went terribly wrong. These robot dance numbers with TRON light suits just plain suck. I felt like we went back to 1999 and after the second guest appearance [UGHSHER] I fully expect Janet Jackson to come out and join in the silly dance line.
How could a Group as good as the Black Eyed Peas screw up a Half Time Show? My expectations were so high and the show was so tired and out dated that I can only blame their Producers. Who ever thought the light suits and LOVE stage was a good idea misunderstood the NFL fans and the expectations of the audience. I fully expected a pumped up show and we got a tired old rerun from the past, doing all the choreography from every Michael Jackson video. Moon walk? Were they serious? Was this show rehearsed and did anyone say....Maybe we should rethink our direction here?
So, it was the Best Super Bowl ever. Aaron Rogers is the new star of the NFL. The Black Eyed Peas with be playing at an Indian Casino near you this summer. Their Show ended their Career.
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