And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard,
And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall."
Dylan 1963
There sure is a lot of Doom on TV, the Internet, and in the paper. Yes, I am one of the last 12 people on Earth who reads a Newspaper. Soon, they will be gone too. But enough of my crusade about the newspapers. Back to Doom, things don't look good.
I Blogged earlier about the EOTWAWKI, the end of the world as we know it. As I read more each day I'm convinced of two possible situations:
A] Things are bad and the world will be forced into a global depression.
B] The Financial Sector of the Western economy is a mess, but things will be the same.
Over the recent Thanksgiving Holiday we did a little shopping and went out to dinner. Things looked busy to me. I did not see any negative economic impact. There seems to be a disconnect between the NEWS and the Life I am leading. Maybe things are not as bad as the News people say?
Yesterday I read that we have been in a recession for almost a year. They say the recession started in December of 2007. Again, I know the news has been bad, but things have NOT been bad for a year. We bought a new home in October of 2007 and that was about the end of the new home boom. Not many new homes being built. I do see apartments being built, so there seems to be some construction work around us. Still, things just don't look so bad.
Read Peggy Noonan's article about this at: http://online.wsj.com/article/declarations.html
So, the economy may just be OK, or it is slowly sliding into a deep depression that we may struggle with for a decade or more. The best advice is to be careful what you spend and if you have a job, quietly look for a second one. The old Boy Scout motto is still the best. BE PREPARED.
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