Hollywood has joined the fight....late. The vote is over and NOW, they make fun of Prop 8. Where were you lazy fucks during the debate?
A week before the vote, we called the "NO on 8" Office to get a No on 8 sign for our home. They were out, but we were told....we are getting more printed. Pam and I went to Staples and made our own signs.
I am convinced this No on 8 campaign was lost because so many people just did not vote. The thinking was....Obama will win I don't really need to go vote. What happened is: every Black person in Kalifornia vote for Obama and 73 % of them voted YES on 8. They were told by the Black Ministers that..."Queers getting married is against God's law." No place does it say that...check the 10 Commandments, Bible, etc. And, Black people being discriminated against is soooo... wrong but it is OK with Blacks to discriminate against Gays. Brother, I'm so pissed off about this....fuck!
Now....a month after the VOTE was lost, the Hollywood actors, [25% of which are Gay] decide to make fun of Prop 8 and create this Musical........better Late then never I guess.
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