You can call it by many names. The Chinese call it, Dongzhi and it was originally an end-of-harvest festival. Today, it is observed as a family reunion over the long night, when pink and white tangyuan are eaten in sweet broth to symbolise family unity and prosperity. We call it Christmas after the christian holiday that was substituted to replace the pagan Solstice Festival. Our Celtic ancestors drug dead trees into the cave to set on fire to bring back the light of the fading sun. What ever you call it you need to know the truth....it is WINTER SOLSTICE.
This Holiday began 10,000 years ago when people understood that the sun was getting weaker each day. Fear of the cold winter and starvation made them perform rituals designed to bring back the sun and make the plants grow. It was not uncommon for people to starve through the winter waiting for Spring to return.
As time has progressed and we have become smarter. We understand the seasons and don't fear Winter Solstice the way they did so long ago. Still, we celebrate. Some in that Wal-Mart fake kind of way and others in a more traditional way. All of us understand it will be ok....Spring is coming out of the dark winter. Happy Solstice to all.
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