Last night, Tuesday, October 7, 2008, I watched the Presidential Debate between Barrack Obama and John McCain. As I watched I could not help but re-think Peggy Noonen's comments from a month ago. "Maybe neither of these guys is fit to lead." It is scary to think, but very real to believe, that we have come this far only to have two nit-wits running for President.
I thought two years ago about this election. At the time, I said it was similar to the 1980 election, when any fool could beat Jimmy Carter. In 1980 Carter was the laughing stock of America and the Western World. The Republicans could have nominated anyone to beat him....an old cowboy actor did beat him. This year is much the same.
George Bush has made a mess of the Presidency and may be the worst President in US History. His leadership, lack of leadership, mistakes and trust in his staff have led to a bad war, global economic crisis and the tarnish of the America Brand. Anyone could run against this mess and win the election for President this year. By all counts...Barrack Obama should be 30 points ahead.
Republicans could have nominated a real conservative. Newt Gingrich would have been my choice. The guy is smart and he can speak in paragraphs. Instead the ran a primary in which only idiots and jack asses were allowed to participate. John McCain was the least offensive result. He seemed almost "normal" compared to a Mormon, a Bible Salesman, and the ex mayor of New York...did I say 9/11? Those guys were just short of stupid.
Now with 27 days to the election, we have two bad choices. The smooth, over confident, incompetent, black guy and the old, stiff, out of touch, war hero. How the hell did this happen?
What are we going to do? As I watch and listen I really do not think either of these guys have any idea about what to do or how to clean up the mess George has left them.
I'm thinking write in Hillary or Ron Paul. We need a real leader.