Friday, October 31, 2008


It's Halloween. I'm going trick er treating with Jack the Pirate and the Camp Counselor. They carved their pumpkins and tested them last night. It rained today, just a little, so Fall is in the air. Jack dressed up for Pre-school in his Pirate costume. I told him to say "Arh" or "shiver me timbers". He didn't get it. He kept asking why? Ha ha ha

Meredith was supposed to come home. Her blog says she is too busy with school. I haven't heard back from Colleen.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

iRock Omama

Looks like I was dead wrong. It does not happen often but it has happened before. I could not imagine Amerika electing a inexperienced Black Liberal as President.

I think I went wrong when I expected McCain to run an independent campaign. He moved Right when he was just fine in the Center. I think he was chasing the Christian Right Wing vote. Too bad for John. Regardless, I think this is good for our country. The Proposition 8 fight here in Kalifornia has me convinced that we do not need 4 more years of the "Moral Majority" or what ever the Crazy Christian Right calls themselves today. These people are not Conservatives. They are narrow minded uptight haters of anyone who does not agree with them. Real Conservatives want less government and don't care about government involvement in social issues. Marry whomever. Stop fighting the Drug War, it's a waste of time and money.

I'm certain iRock will be our next President. He has done a good job of NOT making mistakes and he seems like the favorite in Europe. I'm still not sure he is UP to the job but I am convinced that we can not have more Republicanism as we have seen it. So, having a smart Black guy, doing on the job training, can't be worse then what we have been through with George.

The thing that did it...pushed me over the edge....was the iRock speech in the rain on Tuesday, 10-28-08, in Chester, PA. The photo above is from that speech. McCain had canceled his appearance due to really bad weather. Some suggested Sara might get those expensive clothes wet. So iRock put on his jeans and said, "let's do it" He stood there, in the pouring rain, with 9,000 supporters and gave his speech. Rain soaked. Water running off his face. He was saying...I'm in this with you....100%. The jeans were a nice touch.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bond, James Bond

I grew up reading Ian Fleming. I read all his James Bond books before I was 16. At the time I lived in Germany. My father worked for the US Air Force Security Service. They were the raw data collectors of random electronic messages. Dad never explained his job or what he and his staff did in those buildings surrounded by machine guns, guard dogs, and barbed wire. I knew Dad wasn't a spy. This was during the cold war, in the 1960s and the spy business was a big part of the US Military. Reading Ian Fleming and living with Dad in Germany, shaped me as a person.

In 1962 the first James Bond movie came out, Dr. NO. It put into pictures the books I had read and added to my development. Dad never went to see the movie. He laughed at spy and war movies, like he did at military parades. He always saw it like there were two kinds of soldiers, those who were in parades or movies, and those who were killers. He was a killer.

Regardless of my respect for my father, I loved the James Bond books and later the movies. I think I have seen every one at least three times. On November 14, 2008 the new Bond movie opens in America. I think Daniel Craig has done the best job of all the actors who have played the Bond role. He is confident and not so.....polished. Bond, in the books, was more like Dad then like Roger Moore.

Pam, get a sitter. We are going to the mooo-veys November 15.

Friday, October 24, 2008

In a FIX

I was driving to work on the "5". It is really Interstate Highway 5 but in Kalifornia we just say "the 5".

Traffic was stupid as usual. The left lane was full of women putting on makeup driving 60 mph in their Mercedes. The number 2 lane was full of pick up trucks with guys eating while they drive 55. Just another dumb shit day on the way to work. I was flying along in the right lane at 80...the slow lane where nobody drives. I came up behind a truck and prepared to change lanes when a flat piece of metal, about the size of a pizza box, flew up and hit the front of the car. BAM. The metal piece bounced up and hit the hood and then slammed into the windshield. It flipped over the roof and landed behind me on the road.

When I got to work I looked at the damage. Part of the grill was gone and there was a long scratch across the hood and a dent. I called my Insurance Agent and reported the incident. State Farm has been my Insurance company for years. They have great service and never complained about me having my car stolen or when I totaled the motorcycle. They suggested I take my car to FIX - Auto for an estimate.

I thought this was a joke. FIX - Auto? What a dumb name. I googled them and found they were a big company. They have network dealers in the US, Canada, and Europe. I went to the Fix - Auto in Irvine.

Fix - Auto in Irvine is next to a cement company near the District. When I got there the "receptionist" said fill out the form. I did a half ass job of entering the basics but I had a bad feeling. A lady was waiting to pick up her car and the guy was saying how sorry he was that it was late being a week. I waited. Kyle Wilson came out and introduced himself. We went to look at the car. Kyle asked how I was doing and I told him I wasn't sure. He asked why? I told him I wasn't sure about having my car worked on by FIX - Auto. He told me they were a big company and they had dealers in France. I said, "So, what?"

Kyle took his time and after 20 minutes he told me to leave the car and they would finish the estimate and email me a copy. I rode home with Pam and Jack. I did not feel good about leaving the car. Later I checked email for the estimate....NOTHING.

The next day I waited until about 10:30 to call. Kyle said he still was not finished with the estimate but would send it via email. I waited and kept checking email....Nothing. By this time my original doubt had turned into concern about these guys. I really could not see how they could paint anything with the cement dust in the air. Moreover, I had not seen any other BMWs or German cars in their shop or on the lot. By 2:00 PM I sent an email to the Manager of FIX -Auto. I needed an estimate or my car at 5:00 PM.

Again, nothing happened. At 4:00 I called the Manager. He had not read my email. Like most idiots in America, he only reads the jokes and stories about Britney Spears sent to him. I told him I needed my estimate. He said they were taking the car apart now. WHAT? Taking the car apart. Why? He said they had to check for hidden damage. I said, "BULLSHIT, that car better be ready at 5:00 when I get there."

The car was ready when I got there. It was covered with cement dust but other wise OK. My guess is they have too much business and they stall people to keep them from going to another shop. Regardless, they are idiots and they should not paint barns with all the cement dust in the air. My advise.....don't go to FIX, unless you want to be in a FIX.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Can I buy you a drink?

The legal drinking age in the United States should be 19 years old. I am asking you to support local, state, and federal changes to the current law.

“The legal age for alcohol in the USA is 21 years old. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 required all states to raise their minimum purchase and public possession of alcohol age to 21. States that did not comply faced a reduction in highway funds under the Federal Highway Aid Act. The U.S. Department of Transportation has determined that all states are in compliance with this act. The national law specifically prohibits purchase and public possession of alcoholic beverages." This law is little more then extortion in the threat of with holding funds unless the state and local communities agree to a One-size fits all age limit.

The current legal drinking age in Europe is 16 in Restaurants and 18 overall. In Latin America the legal drinking age is 18. Only Japan and Iceland have higher legal drinking ages, at 20, and the United States is almost alone with a legal drinking age of 21. No other country on earth has a higher legal drinking age then the United States.
  • Only Muslim countries and the United States have the legal drinking age of 21.
  • The 26Th Amendment to the US Constitution established the legal voting age at 18.

  • The current legal enlistment age to join the US Military is 17 years old.
Does anyone find these facts to be nearly impossible to believe? Only Muslim countries, where alcohol is basically banned, have the 21 year old legal drinking age. Canada is 19 and Mexico is 18. You can join the Army at 17 and carry a machine gun, but you can not drink.

High School students should not be drinking and sharing alcohol with peers. This leads to the traffic deaths that brought about the national law. But, once you graduate from High School you are expected to become an adult. You either work or attend college with older co-workers and peers. This leads to alcohol related issues. Responsible 19 and 20 year olds are forced into situations where they either break the law or opt out of social situations because of absurd drinking laws.

We need a responsbile law if we expect responsible citizens to follow the law. The current 21 year old age limit is stupid.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Anniversary, A true Office experience

It was three years ago today. October 21, 2005. My BOSS, The Evil Dr. Schmarty, got his due and I was able to bring his bullshit to an end. still feels good.

The evil "Doctor" had spent over two years feeding his ego with stupid office political crap. Refusing to answer the phone...even when you could see on Caller ID that it was his wife calling. He was the BOSS and did not answer phones. Or, sending one of us out for his lunch, but never offering to buy us lunch. And, when you got back, he counted his change because you may have shorted him. Once when Sara was new, he sent her to get his daily bowl of noodles. When she came back, he counted the change and said, "wait a minute, I gave you a twenty and this is change for a ten." Sara felt helpless. How do you prove to your BOSS that you are NOT cheating him?

It went on and on and on. When he would go for his monthly "haircut". Ha ha ha ha. He wore a rug and had to have the sides cut to make the top blend in. He always came back with the "good bagel". The store next to his haircut sold stuffed bagels. He never once brought us a bagel. But he always told us how good they were. Cheap Fucker.

Finally, after repeated abuse, he made his fatal error. A customer called Letty asking for a price on shrimp. Letty quoted the price form the price list and the guy wanted a lower price. He asked to talk to the BOSS. When the Schmarty got on the phone, we could hear him say, "Ya, she is new and doesn't know what she is doing. I can give you a better deal." Letty was pissed off.

Letty confronted Schmarty and told him he had undermined her creditability with her customer. He got angry and told her to "Get Fucked". I sat there and could not believe it. This over confident piece of shit had finally screwed himself.

Letty complained to Human Resources. Schmarty called me into his office at the end of work. He told me he needed me to "support him on this one." I said I planned to tell the truth, if asked. He told me, "if you don't support me on this, I will fire you." It just kept getting better and better.

So the day came. The Asst VP of Human Resources arrived to meet with each of us. She wanted to know what had happened. One by one we told our story. When it was my turn I said, "Schmarty is abusive to all of us and specifically to women. He has a problem. He spends his day on line looking at Porn and he sets up meetings with women over the Internet to engage in sex." The Asst VP asked how I knew this and I said, "because he prints these crap off on the office printer and leaves it for the women to see." I saved copies of the stuff he prints and had them to show.

Schmarty had been spending his days surfing porn sites and Instant Messaging women who were lonely. He participated in a local sex chat and would go to meet these women. But, because he was also a stupid fucker, he printed photos, directions, and instant messages so he would not get lost or confused. I often found these on the printer and made copies. Once before he had download Porn to his laptop that crashed the company server. I showed these copies to the Asst VP and Schmarty was fired that day.

That was three years ago today. The only bad thing to come of all this was that Schmarty was pals with the President of the company, Wally. Schmarty had spent years kissing Wally's ass and even hired Wally's damaged unemployed son. Wally, I'm told, found Schmarty another job selling shrimp. Well, Wally was pissed at me for exposing his Porn Pal. So, he refused to promote me and hired another guy...very much like Schmarty. Then he fired me. The reason...well there never was one. My guess is I broke up the cool Porn ring Schmarty and Wally had going. Wally never had the nerve to meet me face to face. He "fired" me by having a friend come by and try to get me to quit. Gutless coward.

I still have the copies. I get them out and laugh my ass off. Happy Anniversary, Schmarty, you slimy scum bag. Say Hi to Wally for me too.


The End Of The World As We Know It. More then a line for the REM song, this is becoming a part of the new reality.

Since the year 999 people have predicted the end of the world. Europe went crazy as the Christian calendar approached the year 1,000 AD. It was believed that the world would end and Satan would return to earth to battle God. Turned out, most of Europe could not read and had no calendars. Many missed the event all together while others just looked stupid. The church came out with the idea that prayer had saved the world and God had given man another 1,000 years.

2,000 AD was much better. Some silly Y2K concerns about computers but most of the crazy christian stuff was gone. This had been replaced with cults who believe in alien invasion and atomic war which will bring on the end of life on earth.

Recent global events have set off new concerns. Several people on the Internet are predicting global economic collapse and thus TEOTWAWKI. At the very least some of the good times are coming to an end. Auto and Home sales are way down and when one business group suffers, it isn't long before they lay off people who soon stop buying new TV's and going out to eat. I think I am being conservative when I say, we are going into a recession.

Now a recession isn't a Depression and it is NOT TEOTWAWKI. Regardless, there is no way of knowing how all this will develop. Terrorism experts are saying this current situation is perfect for another attack on the United States. Money is short and cuts have to made to save cash. Everyone will be worried about their job. The Government has already over spent on the longest War in History and saving Banks. This is the perfect time for a serious attack that would cripple the US and Western economy for decades. Not trying to scare anyone. Just telling you the way I see it.

So, the best advice is from my Boy Scout Handbook: Be Prepared. Things may get crazy. Who knows what might happen after the election and in the cold dark winter of 2009. Save your money. Keep some of it in cash at home. Have extra food, in case you can't get to the store. Know how to protect your self and your family; See my Blog on Hand gun training. If everyone is got nothing to lose by being prepared. But, if all hell breaks out, you are covered.

Don't say I did not warn you. More of this subject at:

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Warm Gun

Pam and I went to the Firing Line [] on Sunday to practice shooting hand guns. We took our 40 cal Sig Pro 2340 and the "new" 25 cal Beretta 950. I wanted Pam to become familiar with shooting both guns but the Beretta was bought specifically for her.

The Beretta 950 has been made since 1953 first in Italy and then in the United States. It is a small simple pistol designed for personal protection. It is easy to conceal and easy to operate. It is not very effective at distance but anything you would want to shoot, is probably in the same room with you and attacking. California banned the sale of this gun recently and I bought the one for Pam used. My mother had previously bought a similar gun and gave it to my ex wife, Connie. Connie carried it in her purse for a long time. Then she got so comfortable carrying it that she forgot she had it with her when she put her purse through the airport scanner. She was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and we never saw that gun again. Word to the wise.

The Sig Pro 2340 is a much different gun. It is one of the original high tech polymer pistols made in Germany and designed by the Swiss. It was made for Police and Military use and it is very accurate with serious stopping power. Glock has all the name but SIG is the gun used by Navy Seals, DEA, and FBI. This gun will stop almost anything and at 25 feet Pam shot bull's eyes.

I bought the SIG in 2000 when I was sure gun laws would lead to a complete ban on all hand gun sales in California. That Ban has not come....YET. But with the coming elections and a Super Democratic Congress, Nancy and iRock might just ban hand guns for good.

There is no real reason to own a hand gun except to kill people. You can not cook with a hand gun or turn on the TV. They are almost useless except in self defense. Most Americans and Europeans do not know how to load, shoot, or clean a hand gun. They are very dangerous in untrained hands. Hundreds of people are killed each year by stupid hand gun accidents.

My position, as you may well expect for those who know me, is: Knowledge is Power. The last thing you want to do, when your life or the lives of your family are in danger, is to learn to shoot. I believe YOU are responsible for your own safety. To expect the Police, or someone else to protect you, is just bad planning. Mom taught me to own a gun. Dad taught me to shoot. The Police? They are only there to investigate your death. You and you alone protect yourself and your family.

Hand gun training, like learning to ride a bicycle, to swim and to drive a car is an important part of becoming a real grown up. Nobody would suggest that you should not learn to swim. Likewise, you need to know hand gun basics so you can protect yourself if and when it is necessary.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Day Light

Starting in 2007, daylight time begins in the United States on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. On the second Sunday in March, clocks are set ahead one hour at 2:00 a.m. local standard time, which becomes 3:00 a.m. local daylight time. On the first Sunday in November, clocks are set back one hour at 2:00 a.m. local daylight time, which becomes 1:00 a.m. local standard time. These dates were established by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L. no. 109-58, 119 Stat 594 (2005).

In 2008, daylight time begins on March 9 and ends on November 2.
In 2009, daylight time begins on March 8 and ends on November 1.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Catching up

I have been busy.

I went to Omaha on business and took some time to visit my old school and neighborhood. It was great, but not changed. In many ways that is bad. I moved from Omaha in 1960 and the place looks the same today. Only, much older. Still it was fun to see the stuff I remember from being a kid.

Omaha is very nice. The downtown area is cool and modern. It's very "Midwest". I saw mostly pick up trucks and very few BMW's. All the people were great. They are worried about the economy and the election.

The Election. I watched the last Presidential Debate. I am unchanged in my belief that neither iRock or MyCain can do the big job we need done to restore the economy and rebuild the American Brand. We need a real leader. Bill gates comes to mind. He is unemployed and a smart guy.

We had Birthday weekend. Jack and Pam had a good time. You can read Pam's comments below the Hippo Birdie post . See why I love her? She is there 100% on my side...she's got my back. I can count on her. I was disappointed in Meredith. She ignored the birthdays. Nothing for Pam or Jack...No Card, no call, certainly no gift. Jack kept asking if Meredith or Colleen were coming to his party. We cut the cake without them. I told him they were busy....maybe next year Jack. Maybe.

BIRTHDAY UPDATE - Colleen stopped by last night to bring Jack a gift. She gave him walkie talkies. He loved them and ran around calling her. Colleen stayed for dinner and after we ate Colleen was saying she had to leave. Jack came up to her and said, "you can take your walkie talkie with you". He wanted her to be able to talk with him after she was gone. I almost cried and even Colleen was touched by this boy. I really think he and Colleen have a bond.

The Dodgers lost. I was hoping to see them beat the Red Soxs in the World Series. Jack and I watched the game. It was sad. Maybe next year Jack. Maybe

My arm is fixed. It was broken at the wrist and I took my Cast off. I think I am healed. I have been working the sponge ball to regain my grip.....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hippo Birdie 2 Ewes

It's coming.....the Big Event! Birthday Weekend. And, the pressure is on me. I need a cake....Costco can help me there. I also need cards and presents.............Yikes.

October 12 is Jack and Pam's birthday. Pam planned it this way by having Jack on her birthday. They have many many years of Birthday Parties ahead of them. Jack is the "family" that Pam will grow old with.
For now, my job is to make this annual celebration a success. I need to get going. Next week I will follow up with more Birthday information.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Last night, Tuesday, October 7, 2008, I watched the Presidential Debate between Barrack Obama and John McCain. As I watched I could not help but re-think Peggy Noonen's comments from a month ago. "Maybe neither of these guys is fit to lead." It is scary to think, but very real to believe, that we have come this far only to have two nit-wits running for President.

I thought two years ago about this election. At the time, I said it was similar to the 1980 election, when any fool could beat Jimmy Carter. In 1980 Carter was the laughing stock of America and the Western World. The Republicans could have nominated anyone to beat old cowboy actor did beat him. This year is much the same.

George Bush has made a mess of the Presidency and may be the worst President in US History. His leadership, lack of leadership, mistakes and trust in his staff have led to a bad war, global economic crisis and the tarnish of the America Brand. Anyone could run against this mess and win the election for President this year. By all counts...Barrack Obama should be 30 points ahead.

Republicans could have nominated a real conservative. Newt Gingrich would have been my choice. The guy is smart and he can speak in paragraphs. Instead the ran a primary in which only idiots and jack asses were allowed to participate. John McCain was the least offensive result. He seemed almost "normal" compared to a Mormon, a Bible Salesman, and the ex mayor of New York...did I say 9/11? Those guys were just short of stupid.

Now with 27 days to the election, we have two bad choices. The smooth, over confident, incompetent, black guy and the old, stiff, out of touch, war hero. How the hell did this happen?

What are we going to do? As I watch and listen I really do not think either of these guys have any idea about what to do or how to clean up the mess George has left them.

I'm thinking write in Hillary or Ron Paul. We need a real leader.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Equal protection under the law

The elections are just 30 days away. I remember 1968. Those were the elections that would change America and Stop the War. Not much changed. Nixon did stop the war. I have said for 18 months that I want either Hillary or John McCain to win. Looks like we will get O'mama as our next President. The guy can not answer a yes or no question. He starts with "Look, I've always...blah blah blah" The answer is yes or no!

The good news is the country is in the worst mess it has been in the last 100 years. George Bush made mistakes and history will paint him as a fool. Regardless, we don't have enough money to pay for the silly social programs that iRock O'mama would like to start. All those college kids voting for this jack ass will learn that Democrats = Higher Taxes. OK with me. I'm going to retire and let the government support me. Social Security, Medicaid...maybe even a little welfare.

So the national election is about wrapped up. Idealism has won again. This will dissolve over the next four years into reality. But before you think your vote doesn't count, I want all of you in Kalifornia to STOP. I am asking you to vote, and vote NO on Proposition 8.

Queers have rights too. This marriage ban is just wrong. Everyone deserves equal protection under the law. Marriage is a legal government contract and not part of the Religious Right Christian Mythology. If churches do not want to marry Gays...Don't. But, the State has a responsibility to ALL citizens to provide equality. This is not a Gay issue. This is an equality issue and everyone must vote no on this ban. It is wrong to allow one group of idol worshipers to restrict the freedom of any other group.

Tell your friends. Go ahead and Vote for iRock O'mama if you have no sense, but vote NO on Prop 8. Today it is queer bashing, next they will try to ban liquor.....oh, they tried that once before and it didn't work. Well, they may try again.

Los Doyers....Dad would be happy

The Dodgers are in the play offs. The sad part is they got there by beating the Cubs. I have been a Dodger fan since I was a kid. My father grew up listening to Baseball on the radio in St. Louis. The Manager for the Cardinals way back when my Dad was a boy was Branch Rickey. Rickey had been a poor baseball player but as Manager of the Cardinals he invented the current "Farm System" of minor league teams.

Rickey left St Louis in 1942 to go to New York with the Dodgers. It was here that Rickey went on to develop "Spring Training" and "Batting Helmets". On August 28, 1945, it was Rickey who signed Jackie Robinson to become the first Black Baseball player. Many credit Robinson with "breaking the color barrier" in baseball. My father gave that credit to Branch Rickey because he was the guy who made the decision and took the criticism from white players. My Dad and I listened to the Dodger games on the Radio when I was a kid in the 1950's. I remember when we heard the news that they were moving to Los Angeles in 1957.

Now, Jack and I watch the Dodgers. It's been over 50 years from radio to HDTV, from my Dad to Jack. Now the Dodgers are in Los Angeles...and so are we. They changed from Trolley Dodgers to "los Doyers" in LA Spanglish. But as I sit with Jack, and watch the game, I can remember my Dad explaining a double play to me. Big wheel keeps on turning.........I hope Dad and Branch Rickey are watching with us.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Omaha....somewhere in middle america

The Counting Crows make it sound lonely and empty:


Somewhere in middle america

Get right to the heart of matters

Its the heart that matters more

I think you'd better turn your ticket in

And leave your money right at the door

I grew up in Omaha as a young Boy. I attend Blessed Sacrament School on 30th Street across from Miller Park. My Dad and I played golf at the Park. I almost drown in Miller park lake, ice fishing. Tim Martin pulled me out. I fell through the ice into the cold water. I think he saved my life.

It's been a long time since I was back. I drove through in 1972, past my old house at 6513 North 33rd Street. I still remember the address my mom made me memorize. We moved to Germany in December of 1960. I remember my last day, saying good bye to friends, boys I grew up with. I never saw them again. Our teacher, a Nun, took up a collection for a going away gift. Bobby Krocker told me about the collection and I said....get me a Catchers mitt. The Nun bought me a Prayer Book. She was right. I still have it 48 years later. I probably would have lost the catcher's mitt.

Next week I am going to Omaha to work. I rented a car and I am going to drive by the old house one more time. It's the heart that matters more.

Thanks Dad........again

Last Thursday night I was watching Baseball with Jack. The phone rang. It was Colleen. Her tire was "making a noise" on her drive home from work. I asked her where she was and drove to meet her.

Colleen did nothing wrong. I'm writing this to explain what a FATHER does for his children. There has been some Blog comments about me over at Meredith's site and, like FOX News, I want to be fair and balanced.

So I met Colleen in the parking lot. She has a 2005 Mini Cooper Convertible. Yes, Pam and I pay for it, and her car insurance, and the maintenance, which includes the run flat tires. It looked to me like her tire was flat. I drove her car home and she followed me in my car. I offered to let her drive our BMW home but she said no and I dropped her off at her Mom's.

The next day I called the tire guy. He told me to bring in the car and they would fix the flat if possible. I was working so I could not take the car to him. We agreed to drop it off on Saturday morning. Jack and I went to the tire store on Saturday. Jack likes the BIG tires and the the wheels. We dropped the car and went to Costco.

Later, I went back to pick up the car. Turns out it had two flat tires. One had been driven on too long and had a rip in the side wall. The other had a nail in it. They sold me one new run flat tire for $171.00 and fixed the flat for free. Jack and I drove to the "Red" car wash and had Colleen's car cleaned. Then I drove home and touched up the chips on the paint.

Finally, I took the car back to Colleen's apartment and parked it in the garage. All clean, New tires and ready to go. Colleen....oh she was out of town at a Lovefest with her sister. I'm sure Meredith was telling her what a "ass clown" I am as a father. Funny isn't it...unless your the father.