The End Of The World As We Know It. More then a line for the REM song, this is becoming a part of the new reality.
Since the year 999 people have predicted the end of the world. Europe went crazy as the Christian calendar approached the year 1,000 AD. It was believed that the world would end and Satan would return to earth to battle God. Turned out, most of Europe could not read and had no calendars. Many missed the event all together while others just looked stupid. The church came out with the idea that prayer had saved the world and God had given man another 1,000 years.

2,000 AD was much better. Some silly Y2K concerns about computers but most of the crazy christian stuff was gone. This had been replaced with cults who believe in alien invasion and atomic war which will bring on the end of life on earth.
Recent global events have set off new concerns. Several people on the Internet are predicting global economic collapse and thus TEOTWAWKI. At the very least some of the good times are coming to an end. Auto and Home sales are way down and when one business group suffers, it isn't long before they lay off people who soon stop buying new TV's and going out to eat. I think I am being conservative when I say, we are going into a recession.
Now a recession isn't a Depression and it is NOT TEOTWAWKI. Regardless, there is no way of knowing how all this will develop. Terrorism experts are saying this current situation is perfect for another attack on the United States. Money is short and cuts have to made to save cash. Everyone will be worried about their job. The Government has already over spent on the longest War in History and saving Banks. This is the perfect time for a serious attack that would cripple the US and Western economy for decades. Not trying to scare anyone. Just telling you the way I see it.
So, the best advice is from my Boy Scout Handbook: Be Prepared. Things may get crazy. Who knows what might happen after the election and in the cold dark winter of 2009. Save your money. Keep some of it in cash at home. Have extra food, in case you can't get to the store. Know how to protect your self and your family; See my Blog on Hand gun training. If everyone is got nothing to lose by being prepared. But, if all hell breaks out, you are covered.
Don't say I did not warn you. More of this subject at:
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