The elections are just 30 days away. I remember 1968. Those were the elections that would change America and Stop the War. Not much changed. Nixon did stop the war. I have said for 18 months that I want either Hillary or John McCain to win. Looks like we will get O'mama as our next President. The guy can not answer a yes or no question. He starts with "Look, I've always...blah blah blah" The answer is yes or no!
The good news is the country is in the worst mess it has been in the last 100 years. George Bush made mistakes and history will paint him as a fool. Regardless, we don't have enough money to pay for the silly social programs that iRock O'mama would like to start. All those college kids voting for this jack ass will learn that Democrats = Higher Taxes. OK with me. I'm going to retire and let the government support me. Social Security, Medicaid...maybe even a little welfare.
So the national election is about wrapped up. Idealism has won again. This will dissolve over the next four years into reality. But before you think your vote doesn't count, I want all of you in Kalifornia to STOP. I am asking you to vote, and vote NO on Proposition 8.
Queers have rights too. This marriage ban is just wrong. Everyone deserves equal protection under the law. Marriage is a legal government contract and not part of the Religious Right Christian Mythology. If churches do not want to marry Gays...Don't. But, the State has a responsibility to ALL citizens to provide equality. This is not a Gay issue. This is an equality issue and everyone must vote no on this ban. It is wrong to allow one group of idol worshipers to restrict the freedom of any other group.
Tell your friends. Go ahead and Vote for iRock O'mama if you have no sense, but vote NO on Prop 8. Today it is queer bashing, next they will try to ban liquor.....oh, they tried that once before and it didn't work. Well, they may try again.
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