Looks like I was dead wrong. It does not happen often but it has happened before. I could not imagine Amerika electing a inexperienced Black Liberal as President.
I think I went wrong when I expected McCain to run an independent campaign. He moved Right when he was just fine in the Center. I think he was chasing the Christian Right Wing vote. Too bad for John. Regardless, I think this is good for our country. The Proposition 8 fight here in Kalifornia has me convinced that we do not need 4 more years of the "Moral Majority" or what ever the Crazy Christian Right calls themselves today. These people are not Conservatives. They are narrow minded uptight haters of anyone who does not agree with them. Real Conservatives want less government and don't care about government involvement in social issues. Marry whomever. Stop fighting the Drug War, it's a waste of time and money.
I'm certain iRock will be our next President. He has done a good job of NOT making mistakes and he seems like the favorite in Europe. I'm still not sure he is UP to the job but I am convinced that we can not have more Republicanism as we have seen it. So, having a smart Black guy, doing on the job training, can't be worse then what we have been through with George.
The thing that did it...pushed me over the edge....was the iRock speech in the rain on Tuesday, 10-28-08, in Chester, PA. The photo above is from that speech. McCain had canceled his appearance due to really bad weather. Some suggested Sara might get those expensive clothes wet. So iRock put on his jeans and said, "let's do it" He stood there, in the pouring rain, with 9,000 supporters and gave his speech. Rain soaked. Water running off his face. He was saying...I'm in this with you....100%. The jeans were a nice touch.
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