Now it's time for New Year's resolutions. I only have one: I am going to work hard to CARE less. 2008 taught me a big lesson. The more you care about something, the more potential it has to cause problems, cost you money, and create pain. Roger and I used to discuss this when we worked at "Dolt Seafood". We called it "letting go of the rope".
Sometimes you CARE so much about something that you will push, pull, and argue to make sure it happens. This often leads to frustration and conflict. Emotionally, it becomes a tug-of-war. You versus others. By dropping the rope, you end the tug-of-war and set yourself free. You can only do this by Caring less about the issue on which you have become focused.
My focus in 2009 is going to be on my health. I need to eat better and exercise more. I'm 61 and I need to live at least to get Jack into College. If you do the math, that means I need to live to be 76 years old. I don't want these next 15 years to be existence. Jack is really active and I need to be able to be active with him. Diet and exercise are key.
I am also going to focus on people who care about me. I'm going to stop chasing customers, friends, and family who are too busy or too self centered to participate. This isn't judgemental. Maybe, they are happier or better off without my involvement. Good luck to them in 2009.
Finally, I am going to work really hard to make myself happy. This does not mean I am NOT happy now. Over the last 40 years I have spent too much time trying to make my boss, my wife, my friends, and my children happy. About half the time it worked. Almost nobody ever appreciated my effort. In 2009, I am focused on me. I'm in an "at risk" age group and life is too short to worry about things I can't fix. Happy New Year.