Monday, October 28, 2013


We have all repeatedly heard the complaints about Big Government and it's intrusion into our lives. Republicans for years have been telling us that we need less government and fewer government programs.
One of these programs is Social Security. Originally called the Federal Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) it was founded by the Social Security act of 1935. This program was created out of the need to care for the elderly. During the Great Depression over 50% of the elderly were in poverty. Congress at the time complained that this program was "Socialism" and it originally only included white males.
In addition to Social Security many companies offered pensions to those employees who worked for a company over many years. The idea of a pension or promise to pay money, became widely excepted following the Civil War in which soldiers were paid a pension for their service. Later during World War II companies agreed to pay employee pensions to supplement social security and to compensate for fixed wages during war time.
Both Social Security and Pensions were designed to provide financial care for elderly and retired citizens.
During the 1980s and 90s many companies ended their pension plans by setting up 401K type retirement funds. These funds were seen as a way to shift cost from the company to the employee to fund their own retirement. Some companies made these tax exempt funds appear to be better deals by offering matching money to the employee contribution. Companies who established 401K plans quickly ended their pension programs and employees were told they got a good deal.
Republicans in general continued to sell the 401K plans and many went so far as to suggest that Social Security be changed to a similar private retirement plan. It was great. Each employee was told they control their future retirement income. They could save as much as they wanted up to the 401K limits of about 12% of income. For most workers this was not very much. Then the stock market crashed in 2008 and 401K plans went to hell. Plans that were dependent on stock earnings began to earn much less. Retirees began to see their funds decline. For many it means working until they die and living on Social Security.
Turns out those socialist big government programs were really better in the end than trusting your employer's pension and buying into the 401K hoax. So when you hear talk about the danger of Big Government programs remember the only money you can really count on is the government program from 1935 that was called socialist when it began. 30 years from now people will thank us for the Affordable Care Act.