Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Zuckerburg's vrs the Winkelvi

I have friends who think Facebook is stupid. When I have asked them..."are you on facebook?" they say rude things. One friend told me that facebook was for kids. Another told me that facebook was for people with no life. John told me to, "fuck facebook." How nice was that?

I think facebook is a tool. I have told all of them that when Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1439, 98% of Europe was illiterate. In my view, there is a direct link between the invention of the printing press and the American, French, and Russian revolutions. Gutenberg made it possible to share ideas. These ideas, some of which may be silly, led to enlightenment and democracy. Likewise, facebook is a tool. Young girls can talk about boys at high school and Egyptians can use it to change their country. It is just a tool for social interaction.

So, because I think facebook is powerful, I saw the movie "the social network". The movie was equally powerful. It explains how a person with an idea can change the world. It also shows a clear distinction between the two key ways to develop a business. I need to tell you that I identify with Mark Zuckerberg. I feel his pain as Bill Clinton would say. I know what it is like to say the wrong thing when I believe it is the truth, and have everyone around me upset. I know what it is like to be driven and obsessive about silly little things. I also know what it is like to work at odds with the "system". Mark Zuckerberg is everyman. Likewise the brothers Winkelvoss represent the establishment. They are the suits.

I was amazed that the "Winkelvi" never considered a formal agreement necessary with Mark Zuckerberg. Likewise they did not ask him to sign a confidentiality agreement. These are smart guys from a rich family who went to Harvard. Were they really that stupid? If you have a good idea.....protect yourself...duh? Or, maybe it wasn't their idea after all. I was very pleased when Zuckerberg said, "you can stand on my shoulders and pretend you are tall."

Business is really developed by the guy with a good idea. The suits can take an idea by stealing it or buying it, and build it into something bigger, but they almost never create it. The big companies I have work with were good at having meetings but really bad at creating value. I loved the movie the social network because it was a movie about the guy with an idea and his vision for its development. I really hate to think what facebook or the Harvard Connection would have been like under the direction of the Winkelvoss brothers. In the end business is really summed up as the Zuckerbergs versus the Winkelvi. Gutenberg would be happy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


We keep hearing that government spending is out of control. Something really needs to be done. Congress and President Urkel seem reluctant to make the critical cuts needed to get spending in line with tax revenue. I think over spending is our number one national security issue.

For all the talk about cutting spending nobody seems willing to discuss the money spent on National Defense or Social Security. You can cut Amtrak and NASA to the bone but the real cost of BIG GOVERNMENT is in Defense and Social Security. I have a couple of suggestions which I have written about numerous times in the past....long before this issue boiled up to the top. First, we need to end these Wars in Iraq and Effenstan [That's my way of saying f'ing Afghanistan]. Second, we need to pay Social Security tax on ALL earnings. Today Americans only pay Social Security tax on the first $106,800 earned each year. This means that everyone earning OVER this amount stops paying Social Security tax once they earn $106,800 in the calendar year. All of Wall Street and 99.9% of all CEOs earn more than $106,000 per year.

Regarding the Wars, how long does this need to continue? We spend billions per day on these wastes of time countries chasing so called terrorist who have long ago moved to Pakistan or Yemen. It's well past time to end this farce and cut the cost of killing low level rag head soldiers. The recent revolution in Egypt proves that there are other Arabs out there who want a better life and we need to support them. Our Wars in Arab / Muslim countries send a bad message about Amerika, and they cost too much. The troops must be tired of this never ending mess. Let's stop the War.

Regarding Social Security, I'm in favor of us having a national safety net for old people like me. The system was set up a long time ago and it needs to be revisited. The idea of people NOT paying into social security who earn over $106,800 per year seems crazy given the lack of funding for the program. This is an easy fix and the right thing to do.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I read today the comments of Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security. She said, "The terrorist threat facing our country has evolved significantly in the last ten years -- and continues to evolve -- so that, in some ways, the threat facing us is at its most heightened state since those 9/11 attacks," I cannot help but thinking that these comments are designed to create more fear among the population and to justify increased "police state" spending and abuse.

It is important to keep the threat of terrorism in perspective. The US death Rate is about 2.4 million people per year. The single biggest cause is heart related disease with about 800,000 deaths due to heart attack and stroke. Cancer is a big killer too, with over 500,000 deaths per year. Tobacco kills about 400,000 and our old friend alcohol kills 100,000. Auto accidents kill 40,000 and Homicide kills about 18,000. Terrorist kill less than 20 US citizens per year with the exception of 9/11. There seems to be a greater chance that you would die of a heart attack, while smoking and driving your car, than from any act of terror. Even airplane deaths are more common with nearly 1,000 aviation deaths per year and most of those are private plane deaths. Drowning kills 3,000 per year.

So we need to ask: Why all the scare tactics about Terrorism? In the 1950s we heard similar scare tactics about the Russians bombing America. This lead to huge increases in spending to "keep us safe." Turns out the Russians weren't going to bomb us after all. Now the new "threat" is terrorism. To keep us safe...we need to spend more Tax Money on scanners, and TSA agents. All this spending is justified because we need to be Safe.

Life is not safe. There is a risk just getting up each day. The biggest threat to America is bankruptcy and we need to cut spending. Creating a huge Orwellian Police State and spending Billions will not keep us safe. If safety is what we are seeking we should close our borders and prevent potential terrorist from walking into the United States. Paying more to search little old ladies at the Airport is not keeping us safe.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is it just me...or does HP suck?

I have an HP Desk Top computer and it drives me crazy. I think it has some secret "back up" program on it in case there is a crash it can go back to a previous time and rebuild all my files. I guess that's nice, but the hard drive runs for about an hour each afternoon while it is backing up. I have tried fifty things to get this to stop. I already use CARBONITE as my back up [Thanks again Jay] and I don't need the computer "thinking for me." HP service tried to tell me this is my fault. Thanks.

As part of all this, HP sends me great little suggestions from time to time via email. I REALLY hate that too and have tried to stop it as well. I am on a one man WAR to end all Junk Mail and Spam. Today HP sent me a note about their new Touch Pad due out this summer. Does the photo look like anything you have seen or bought before? I think HP is saying: "We can't invent anything new but we sure can copy stuff made by other people."

I am fed up with my HP Desk Top and the Printer that jams. Why would I want to buy a clone of the iPad from these guys?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Adventure

Life is an adventure. As I watch my son Jack grow up, I see the stages he is moving through much better than I saw them for myself. Now, I am making the transition to another stage in my own life and I can't help but look back. Some part of each change is the need to let go of the things you are leaving behind. I see Jack letting go of his infancy as he becomes a "boy". He is not a baby anymore. In the same way, I am letting go of being the "man of the house". I am no longer the financial support for our family that is was just five years ago. Likewise, Pam is moving from being a "kid" to becoming a real adult. She has people working for her who are, in many ways, the same as she was when she began her career. Now she is more serious. More focused on the numbers. More like I was, for far too many years.

It's good to let go of some of this crap. For years I worried about "work" and the future. Pam calls it "being on the wheel," chasing the dime, going for the brass ring. My view is that I am moving on to things that are more important. In April, we will have a new baby. My job will be child care for the next two years...and maybe rest of my life. Jack will be in First Grade and I will be home with "Paddy" [Michael Patrick May] every day. I already buy the groceries, cook the food, clean the house, wash the clothes, and take Jack to school. When you stop, as I have done, and think about it, isn't what I am doing more important work than all the P&Ls, gross margins, business meetings, and office politics? I think so. Maybe I am rationalizing these changes. Trying to compensate my ego for the loss of a career or position. Nope.....I'm not.

My life, on the edge of change, is just part of the big adventure. I could not be happier. I don't miss any of the idoits for whom I worked. Stanley Allen stands alone as the only person I ever respected whom I called my boss. All the others, from Bill Hyer to Ned were short sighted dumb ass morons. I had my share of real career success and I am over it. My goal now is to work every day to teach my sons the things I learned growing up. How to build stuff and fix stuff. How to skip a rock across the lake four times. How to pick up a snake and not get bit.

This next stage sure looks like fun. I had the Kaiser health check up and passed all the tests. My face is starting to look ten years younger. I'm going for a walk. I need to build up my stamina. I will have two little Ninjas to fight starting in April, and I need to get myself in shape. The adventure continues.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Black Eye, Please

Like nearly everyone on Earth I watched the Super Bowl. I was a Packer Fan and wanted Aaron Rodgers to win the game so as to be vindicated from his history as a "bridesmaid". Aaron is the guy who never seemed to get the credit or attention due his remarkable talent. I think he was drafted into the NFL in the 900th round. Playing second to Brett Favre must have been demoralizing with constant comparisons being stuffed in his face. I was also happy to see that the Black Eye Peas were going to do the half time show. These half time shows have been a joke for the last several years and I really thought BEP would return the half time show to a new high. Guess I was wrong about that.

I knew things would not be what I expected when Christina Aguilera could not remember the words to the Star Spangled Banner. Next Year, let's ask Christina and Rosanne Barr to do a duet. Then came half time. As the Show began I thought the sound was off on my TV. I kept trying to find the music....I heard none. Then it went terribly wrong. These robot dance numbers with TRON light suits just plain suck. I felt like we went back to 1999 and after the second guest appearance [UGHSHER] I fully expect Janet Jackson to come out and join in the silly dance line.

How could a Group as good as the Black Eyed Peas screw up a Half Time Show? My expectations were so high and the show was so tired and out dated that I can only blame their Producers. Who ever thought the light suits and LOVE stage was a good idea misunderstood the NFL fans and the expectations of the audience. I fully expected a pumped up show and we got a tired old rerun from the past, doing all the choreography from every Michael Jackson video. Moon walk? Were they serious? Was this show rehearsed and did anyone say....Maybe we should rethink our direction here?

So, it was the Best Super Bowl ever. Aaron Rogers is the new star of the NFL. The Black Eyed Peas with be playing at an Indian Casino near you this summer. Their Show ended their Career.

Friday, February 4, 2011

å min gud i himmel

Two things happened in the last two days to make me embarrassed to be a US Citizen. I am reminded of the term used by my German friends "the ugly Americans".

Today Canadian Prime Minister Harper was in a news conference with President Obama. I was watching CNN as they took questions from Journalist. A Canadian Journalist asked Prime Minister Harper to comment and also asked that he reply in BOTH English and French for Canadian viewers. The feed from CNN stalled and I switched to FOX News [for some crazy reason] to continue to watch. When the Prime Minister began to speak in French, the Fox News Anchor Idiot yelled, TURN THAT OFF. Then he turned to the camera and said, "I'm sorry I can't stand to listen to him in French." I was stunned.

Most of the world speaks multiple languages. I can get by speaking German in most social situations and Pam can speak enough French to save us in Paris. Nearly everyone in the United States came from someplace else and most spoke a language other than English. When we refuse to speak other languages or we are just too stupid or arrogant to try, we tell the world they are right about America. We are self centered and narrow minded.

The second situation is about the Movie, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." The movie is based on the very popular Swedish book by Steig Larsson. The movie was made in Sweden and produced in Swedish. Nearly everyone in Sweden speaks perfect English and at least two other languages like German and French. The Swedes like the Norwegians realize that their language will not become very popular internationally like English, Spanish or Chinese. The Movie was made in Swedish, even though all the Actors speak English, because the Book and Story are Swedish. To change the language is to change the context of the story about Swedish Culture.

Now the Movie is being remade by Hollywood in English. The original Actors in the Swedish version have been replaced with English and American actors. To make the damage worse, the new English version of the film is being shot in SWEDEN! å min gud i himmel [Oh, my god in Swedish]

We live in an ever smaller world and as Amerikans we need to learn to fit into the world we live in. It is NOT always about us. I do not know anyone who can name the capital of Canada or Sweden. How can we expect them to respect us?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I think the United States, President Obama and Hilary Clinton have done a good job in dealing with the crisis in Egypt.

Over the last 60 years the US has supported all sorts of crazy Right Wing Dictators. We did this in Cuba, Vietnam, and elsewhere only to have popular democratic uprisings develop. In most cases we supported the wrong side until the Dictators were expelled from power. I'm proud to say we are not doing this in Egypt. In Egypt, we appear to be supporting the people and not the Dictatorship. This is good for Egypt and for the United States.