Tuesday, August 14, 2007

President 2008

I have been thinking about the upcoming Presidential election. I voted for GW twice and looking back knowing everything I know today, I still think he is a better choice then Al Gore. All that is history. What should we do about 2008? Clearly, America and the Western World needs a solid President.

I know what I don't want. Many Americans vote against the person or people they don't like as opposed to voting FOR the person they want. Sometimes the choices are such that you need to pick the lesser of two idiots. But enough about Al Gore, let us move on.

I'm concerned about security [ see SAFETY & SECURITY] but it is not an obsession. My real concern is our Economy and our ability to pay for the government we elect. My first goal is to to elect a person who will re prioritize our spending. This means cutting cost in Iraq. Those who say we need to bring the troops home, only need to look at Germany, Japan, and Korea. We still have bases in those countries after 60 years. The chance that all our troops will leave Iraq is very doubtful. Moreover, we really want troops in the middle east just in case they are needed.

Other cost here in America need to be reduced. My guess is we spend a million a day to screen airline passengers. Most of this is unnecessary. We could cut cost by moving to "profiling" passengers based on data received at time of ticket purchase. We've seen all this stuff in the movies for years, that the government can track us using Credit Card use. So don't they know who we are before we get to the airport? Why do they need to screen everyone when only 5% of the travelers are a potential threat? This change would cut cost and reduce stupidity. I am in favor of both.

Another way to cut cost and lower stupidity is to end the War on Drugs. It just is not working and it costs too much. Everyone who wants to get high is already getting high. The solution is to reduce demand through better education. If we need to spend more money it is on better education. No I do not mean give away programs to Teacher Unions. I mean run the schools like a business and pay teachers for performance. Better educated kids won't do drugs. They get high because they are bored with the idiots who teach them and the parents who don't understand them.

Beyond cost cutting, I want a secular President. All this religious nonsense in government makes my ass hurt. We have a clear understanding of the separation of church and state in America and we need a President who will stick to it. Pandering to religious groups for votes is wrong. Years ago there was a common folk tale that a Catholic could not be elected President because he or she would take direction from the Pope. That turned out to be horse hockey, but today we have all forms of Christian Groups trying to run government. I'm voting for the person who says enough to this crap.

Finally, I want a person you has the courage to tell the truth and make tough decisions. Much of this comes from personal character. You can not teach this to people who don't have it. Looking at all the candidates, I can quickly rule out the over eager religious zealots. Last thing we need in a global conflict with Islamic radicals is a devote Christian. Comparisons to the Crusades come to mind and we do not need more polarization. So no candidate who tells us about his "relationship" with jesus gets my vote.

I think experience should count for something. I don't want to elect a Trainee President. I want a person who has been in government a while and had experience in leadership and decision making positions. No Rookies. In reality I prefer old people who have been around a bit. John McCain comes to mind as a guy who had done it and seen it. I also want a person who has faced adversity. Again, McCain was a prisoner of war. That is a tough situation. I'm not voting for some "suit" or slick talking professional politician.

So let's add this up. I want a cost cutting honest secular tough person who is committed to making government work well. Beyond this I want a person who will rebuild relationships abroad. At this point McCain and Hillary are the only two candidates who come close.

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