Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Left of Center

When I learned to drive a left turn was just another act of driving. You slow down, hit your blinker, wait until it's clear and turn. Simple act of driving. Those days are gone...or at least they are going and you did not vote to give up this right. If you notice you will find that with every new highway remodel, they [government] are adding left turn lanes and left turn lights. Your days of turning left are getting shorter.

Statistics are to blame. Seems like most accidents occur as a driver is making a left turn. Either he or she is stupid or in a hurry. Regardless, they hit somebody and this adds up to a report. Left turns cost insurance companies money. They lobby the state. Next thing you know, they put a left turn light up for you to turn into your own drive way.

I can not tell you how many hours I have wasted sitting at green lights waiting for the left turn arrow to come on. Used to be, you could make a left turn if you yielded to on coming traffic. Even that compromise was too dangerous. Seems like many idiots turned when cars were coming. Now you have to wait for the arrow.

If this turn lane doesn't work, we will all be forced to drive around making right turns until we get back home. I can see the next step in which they eliminate ALL left turns so as to save those six lives lost last year. Next time you go to turn left....complain about the light.

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