Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Fiscal HOAX

This fiscal cliff is a hoax. In fact, it isn't a cliff at all. If left to occur, we would begin in January 2013 to gradually reduce federal spending and increase taxes. I have been saying for two years that 2013 will be a tough economic year. Still, we are being inundated daily with propaganda to make us believe the world would end if America were to do, what Congress set up just two years ago.....Cut Spending and increase taxes. We currently have a $16 Trillion national debt. Nearly everyone agrees we need to reduce the national debt and the ONLY way to do this is to cut spending and increase taxes. The Simpson Bowles Commission look at the problem and came to the same conclusion two years ago. So if everyone agrees, and the Congress put the automatic "fiscal cliff" in place....why not just do it?

 Congress and Wall Street don't want us to cut spending or increase taxes. They know their free ride will end and America will begin to return to sound fiscal management. In their view a delay would be better. But any delay only adds to the problem. Sooner [is better] or later [is worse] we need to begin the National Belt Tightening that will reduce government spending and increase taxes on the wealthiest Americans. There is no real reason to wait. Waiting adds to the debt and makes the "pain" of cutting spending later just hurt more. The people who are asking for a change in the "fiscal cliff" law are only concerned for themselves. Look who is doing the all the whining....Congress, Wall Street, Big Banks. None of these groups are looking out for your best interest.

 So, relax and hope that America does nothing. We need to begin austerity programs now to correct stupid over spending....Two pointless trillion dollar wars started by Bush, too many free government welfare programs that paid people to sit at home and too many special tax deals for the rich.

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