Friday, November 28, 2014


Our legal system assumes that everyone is innocent until they are proven guilty in court. The role of the Police is to apprehend, detain, and charge suspects. The Police are NOT the Judge, Jury, and Executioners.  

There is a crisis in American Policing. Many Right Wing Politicians, Red Necks, Racist, and Fox commentators refuse to accept the fact that almost weekly there are examples of Police misuse of lethal force. Ferguson is just one such example. Here again is another. Real Conservatives see this rise of Police abuse for what it really is: The loss of personal freedom. Totalitarian governments have always used the Police and Military to control the populations. 

America needs a Professional unbiased Police Force. The use of lethal force should be contained to clear examples of self defense. Many Police Officers use "fear" or "threat of harm" as their excuse for the over use of lethal force. There is no room for excuses when it comes to lethal force. The Police should not be allowed to kill unarmed suspects.

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